“The year is AD 2045, and man has reached the point where he can, and qualifies as dwellings of, the new so-called metal-bodied beings, their brains enclosed in a spherical domicile; beings within shells, who can now live a thousand years, so they are told, but that, of course, is still theory, yet to be seen. Their eyes, kaleidoscopically, are made of some kind of: sought-after adamantine material that constantly changes color; when the eyes blink, they emit flashes of lightning, bright as the north star. Their voices are clarion-like, and they still hold, for whatever reason, the human breath, though it is an add-on, and not so perceptive in cost. The globular heads are triangular, the metal beings have a kind of domed back, and it’s very hard for genuflections in church, I’m told.Humans who choose not to buy one of these durable coins, calling them puppet-freaks, with brains, are being considered biased, not sure if I can agree with that, but who’s to say. They also don’t need to eat like humans, although they do need sleep for brain function, and a flow of nutrients as well. Most of the people who have bought one in their old age have kept their old bodies stored, like in an urn, some turned them into frozen ash statues. There is a negative in this that I discovered, they are subject to the ravages of some corrosive acids, if someone takes advantage and for this acid on beings with a metallic body, in sleep, of which they only need four hours for every twenty-four hours. oven. The amazing thing about this new way of being is that it has super clear x-ray vision.

And people complain about this, especially in city bathrooms here in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Democrats find nothing abysmal in this, although the Republicans do. No need for gun control, bullets won’t hurt these metal-bodied beings; so the issue of gun control is neither here nor there. Within their torsos, or upper body parts, are frames of spiral rods and arabesque filaments, quintillions; a Dom master of science technology. Some people who care about being different have even called for shells to incorporate a proboscis that can be attached and removed, like a proboscis for a nose; some have even called for artificial wings to attach to the back of their metallic shells. I myself have ordered one, being in that age of enlightenment, to avoid the sepulchral, ​​although I think I will save the body, perhaps also because of the memories of how it once was. There have been some dirty deals with this, as people often take advantage of modern science and its gifts: those with a strange prerogative for the most part: a doctor, I can’t say his name for legal reasons (I’m afraid of being processed, as everyone is today), has created one of these metallic-bodied beings, and has taken it a step further, turning it into an anthropomorphic being: half canine and totally diabolical, in the sense that now he craves human flesh, a brain eater; I know you’ll wonder, ‘how’s that…’ by implanting ancient genetic material from Neanderthal bones into his brain. I used to tell my students at the university where I teach, ‘Nothing is perfect’, as our rector has inferred, ‘and one has to expect some chaos, it is common, especially during the period of adjustment of new ideas, it is a simple matter of new criteria; change is inevitable, change or drawn… that’s the name of the game’, which implies I think it’s even healthy: as Robert Frost inferred, so long ago: ‘I like a little corruption too, yeah it’s fun’. By the way, with these new pewter bodies, for a premium you can get two pairs of eyes, something comparable to a spare set of glasses; although I heard that the second set is dull and lifeless.

On the other hand, I imagine it will be a strange ordeal, and the men I’ve spoken to have felt as if they were being dissected. And I also heard: after transfiguration, one’s voice and tone of language is somewhat similar to: horn-like intonations for several months, a ‘recovery period’, so one has to wait for that. My operation will be done in the daytime period, the night is too spooky for me. I look forward to studying linguistics from then on, when I can learn two or three languages ​​at once, evidently there is a magnetic force inside the shell that helps the brain in multiform wonders like linguistics, my wife keeps telling me as she does. friends I must learn more and better Spanish, well here comes the opportunity. But the best asset so far are these metallic people, who have discovered, that is, scientists have discovered, that they are exempt from all ordinary biological needs and desires. That’s kind of a pre-metallic stage I’ve got to see. When this process is complete, I can devote myself fully to reading, writing, and research. Although my wife says, I’ve done it for too long, and the grotesque infinities I’ve devised and created with them are enough for anyone’s life. Some of the side effects that I understand may be: antisocial impulses and actions. As I said before: nothing is perfect: it was a medium of delay too. Up to now, all experimenters have made this an almost doubtful reaction. The reason is, even if the body and the brain break into a million pieces or fragments, they now have the knowledge to put the brain back together, figuratively speaking, the body is useless anyway. Yes, indeed, they can assemble individual atoms, electrons and protons, so why bother! All one has to worry about is the onslaught of those brain-eaters I spoke of, and how many will end up being of that caliber? One in a million. Well, dear friend, I have to go, see you in a year or so in my new body.” Sincerely, DLS


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