Termite infestation is a nightmare for homeowners. Whether it’s ants, mice, fleas, or cockroaches, these pests wreak havoc in our homes and disrupt our daily routines. They carry viruses and bacteria that lead to communicable diseases. They get into our stored food grains and nibble on our furniture. Fumigating your house to get rid of these unwanted guests is absolutely necessary. Here are some dos and don’ts to help prepare your home for fumigation.


Carefully read the information on the pesticide can.

If you plan to fumigate the house yourself, make sure you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into. Please read the instructions carefully before beginning. The instructions are there for your safety and protection.

Follow the instructions to the letter.

Now that you have read the instructions carefully and are familiar with the mechanics of the procedure, be sure to follow the instructions to the letter. Basically, you’re releasing pressurized poison into the air. You have to do this carefully and safely. Following the instructions given will ensure proper (and safe) fumigation of your home.

Clean your house well before and after fumigating it.

It is important that you clean your house before and after the fumigation process. Cleaning before spraying will ensure that the poison is washed over all surfaces in the house, effectively killing all pests. Be sure to throw out all the rubbish and find the root of the source of the infestation, as this can help prevent recontamination. Give your home a good clean after spraying to get rid of dead pests and deposits of poisonous aerosols.

Covers all electronic devices.

One precaution that you absolutely must take is to cover all electronic devices in the house. This includes your TV, refrigerator, microwave, DVD player, and computer. The poison used during spraying will damage all electronic components that are exposed to the spray.


Come home earlier than you needed to.

After your house is fumigated, you will be asked to stay away from it for a certain amount of time. Make sure you don’t come home early, as you could be exposed to the harmful poison. While the fumigation process takes a short time, the poison requires a few hours to settle and do its job. I suggest that you stay away from your house for at least 5 hours after you spray it.

Use chemicals near a flame or flammable substance.

Make sure stove and water heaters are turned off before you start spraying. Chemical poison is highly pressurized and can explode if exposed to an open flame. Be sure to keep windows and vents open to sufficiently ventilate your home.

Keep your pets inside.

Make sure that your pets are away from the house and that they are not exposed to poisonous chemicals. This can negatively affect them and can even lead to death from poisoning. Make sure your food bowls are covered and away from chemicals, too.

Neglect your plants.

Be sure to take your houseplants and put them outside before you spray your house. The chemicals in the poison will leave a thin film on the leaves of the plants, which can develop into something more dangerous.

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