What if I told you that there is something that makes your employees more productive?

Tell me more, you might say.

What if this also reduced your operating costs?

Hmm, now we are cooking with intrigue.

What if, just to sweeten the deal, this invisible asset also helped attract top talent?

OMG whatever it is sounds too good to be true!

It’s pretty impressive, but true, it is.

As a final consideration, what if I told you that your best rivals invest in this, while the mediocre players in your field pay lip service, if so?

You would probably tell me to shut up already and be specific about it.

Well well.

This invisible asset is…

…skipping the drum roll…

… the health of your employees.


That’s all?

It sure is! Think about it:

Healthy employees are more productive. If they eat right, sleep right, exercise right, and don’t breathe in asbestos and mold all day properly, then they work harder and better.

Sick employees are expensive. If nothing else, the time away from your desk is disturbing.

As for your competitors, how do they approach you? With awareness campaigns – billboards bleating about how sitting is the new smoking?

Or do they monitor air quality, make sure the cafeteria has the right options, and give employees time and permission to exercise?

As for attracting the best employees to you…

People say that the best advertising is word of mouth. In terms of attraction and recruiting, the idea is that if your employees talk to their friends about you, their friends will listen.

And it’s true. It sure beats posting the job on LinkedIn and hoping for the best.

But there is something even better than that.

See, word of mouth is just that: words.

But if people notice that all of your employees seem healthy, happy, and sane, unlike any other workplace, then that’s the best proof. It’s subtle, impossible to ignore, and impossible to fake—a salesperson’s dream.

This is how your employees can do their best work and then promote your organization in their spare time.

Not with words but with his presence.

The smartest (or perhaps wisest) people will notice the pattern. And value it. Anyone foolish enough not to emphasize their own health is someone you don’t want working for you.

The trick is not to “go easy on them”; you still want to push and challenge them.

But you have to work with them, and you have to whip them.

Just one of those turns your people into walking billboards for you… and makes them love you for it.

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