You have found a knowledgeable and experienced listing broker. With their help, you have selected an optimal direct mailing list based on your ideal target audience. You have decided on the perfect design for your mail piece and now you are ready to go. But wait, how are you going to track your direct mail?

It has always been thought that measuring the response rate of a direct mail campaign was next to impossible. With telemarketing, you get an almost immediate response, with the potential customer on the other end of the line. With email marketing, you receive detailed reports that measure open rates and click-through rates. However, with direct mail, you don’t always know if your mail piece was successful in pointing potential customers in your direction. Your direct mail campaign needs a definitive call to action to help measure the success of your next direct mail campaign.

Here are some calls to action that can help you measure your success:

Custom promo codes

Make sure each piece of mail is printed with a personalized promo code or unique offer identifiers. Codes must be customized for specific groups of recipients, such as those who live within a radius of each location or specific recipients based on sex or age. If your campaign promotes a product that the customer needs to buy in the store, the customer presents their personalized code at the point of purchase. If your campaign allows customers to phone for more information, make sure they mention your unique promo code. This lets you know who came or called and when. You can also provide information on whether they bought, what they bought, and where they bought from.

This gives you valuable information on whether the campaign was influential in contributing to interest in your product / service, as well as which of your locations is most receptive to a direct mail campaign.

Unique landing pages

Another way to measure results is to use your mail piece to drive your leads to a landing page and then offer something on the landing page that allows you to provide their email address or other contact information for download or retrieval. . This gives you the best of both worlds when it comes to measuring your results: a quick and easy to set up way to drive the user to your website, statistics on the number of people visiting you, and detailed contact information for potential customers. . you can go out and convert.

Provide a custom URL

As with the promo code, PURLS (custom URL) can be as specific or broad as needed, depending on the definition you want your results to have. You can do it in two ways:

You can create a specific PURL for a landing page for each campaign, so that potential customers who want to learn more or make a purchase come to the landing page and are prompted for their call to action.

If you are customizing your direct mail campaign and have to print pieces with variable fields anyway, you can also create an individual PURL for each customer. It can be as simple as generating PURLs that end in unique codes that relate to the marketing database, but that will not only give you the numbers that answer, it will tell you. who the prospects who saw your website were.

Use QR codes

The use of QR (quick response) codes in your direct marketing provides an immediate connection to the online and offline aspects of your marketing campaign. For mobile device users, these provide an instant method of attracting prospects to your website, rather than asking them to visit your site and select a particular page, or enter an extended (or complicated) URL. The user scans the code with a smartphone and is immediately taken to the page in question. Again, you can have everyone access the same landing page and simply count page impressions, or you can create custom landing pages.

Don’t forget to try

This is one of the most important tips. Since mailing lists tend to be large, try sending your mail piece to a small test group first. With the appropriate call to action in place, it will allow you to determine how well your promotion will perform. Taking a test drive will give you a chance to refine your direct mail campaign, saving you time, money, and hassle.

As technology is constantly changing, so should your marketing efforts. Lead generation and data collection are valuable marketing tools. Why not integrate them with the tried and true technique of direct mail? Turn your direct mail campaigns into data collection machines. It will allow you to measure the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign, but it will also give you an idea of ​​your potential customers.

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