There are a variety of causes for phlegm buildup in the throat, one of which involves problems with the tonsils, the areas of lymphoid tissue on either side of the back of the throat. The tonsils act as part of the body’s immune system and their job is to help prevent infections, particularly upper respiratory infections.

Occasionally, the tonsils themselves can become infected and develop tonsillitis. This may be the result of a virus or bacteria in the throat. Sometimes people develop tonsil stones on the back of the tongue or throat. These are small whitish lumps that can burst and are caused by bacteria that accumulate in the pockets of the tonsils, often leading to a sore throat, phlegm in the throat, ear pain, bad breath and cough.

Many times, tonsil stones can be treated by removing them with a Q-tip or by using pulsating water jets to remove them. In more severe cases, the tonsils themselves may be surgically removed in a relatively routine procedure.

Throat phlegm, or mucus, is produced by the cells that line the nasal passage, and its purpose is to trap tiny particles, such as dust, and prevent them from entering a person’s respiratory system. Normal phlegm is clear and thin, while green, yellow, or grayish mucus may indicate an infection resulting from bacteria that have become trapped in the throat. Excessive amounts of phlegm in the throat can lead to difficulty breathing or swallowing, coughing, and sore throat, and a general physical exam is recommended.

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