Losing weight, when you really think about it, is essentially mind over matter. Our brains play a key role in how successful we will be in any effort towards sustained weight loss. Let me explain what I mean.

First, we must take a little time to consider the environment in which we live. Let’s start by talking about “the man”.

Who is the man”?
Now, we all know “the man” – that faceless, nameless one who is responsible for the many things that happen around us and to us.

“The man” is one of the main contributors to what I call the “background noise” that frustrates our ability to focus on what will really help our weight loss plans.

Here are just a couple of things “the man” may have influenced you with in the past:

1. the economy: we are surrounded by a system that, above all else, seeks to keep the economy strong. There is nothing wrong with this and a prosperous economy is good for everyone. However, we must realize that due to the importance that maintaining a buoyant economy has become, supply and demand has become king. As a result, there are some manufacturers that will twist the truth to sell their product, and they can get away with it. So you will come across foods that claim to be healthy foods, but in reality the product is one of the worst things you can buy if your goal is to lose weight.

2. the perfectly shaped bodies of those in ads looking to sell you a new gadget to help you exercise. You can bet the person in the ad had that body before they saw this outfit. The point is that we are bombarded by an endless array of products and equipment that claim to be able to do everything from melt fat off our body to turn our abdominal muscles into granite.

I’m sure we could list more examples of how “the man” influences the masses. But for now, let’s leave that particular discussion to think of something even more interesting.

You are the man”
Let me ask you a question, do we really take responsibility for what is happening to us? By that I mean, how often do we find ourselves making one or more of the following statements:

1. “I have so much debt. Credit card companies make it too easy to borrow money,” as if someone forced us to spend the money in the first place.

2. “If my son misbehaves at school, the teachers have to deal with it; it’s his problem while he’s at school,” as if we could somehow be absolved of all parental responsibility (almost like “etiquette, you are!” ).

3. “It’s impossible to lose weight because we’re surrounded by fast food everywhere we go,” as if we can’t make an informed decision about what we eat.

4. “Oh, I’m too busy to start that college course,” as if we had no other choice as to how to allocate the hours in our day.

Do you recognize yourself in any of these statements? No doubt you could think of a few more.

Who is responsible?
Think back to when you were very young; the days when you would and could do anything.

What is amazing about the very young is their courage, their willingness to try something different. However, as we age something happens to many of us.

Simply put, we get scared and as a result we become disempowered, helpless and unwilling to take responsibility for what happens.

If we are not responsible for our actions, this implies that someone else is, usually “the man”. At other times, when we are willing to be specific, it is our husband, our wife, our children, our boss at work…

Can you see how we often unwittingly create our own “background noise”? Can you see how behaving this way ultimately leaves us weak, lazy, and/or helpless?

Let me ask you another question, do you really want to be so helpless? Do you really want to be swept away by all forces except the one in you? No, surely it is better that we act responsibly, decisively and positively, taking control of our lives.

If you are overweight and have struggled to shed the weight, you must recognize that you are not taking full responsibility for this problem, because I guarantee you can lose weight and keep it off. Unfortunately, one of your main obstacles is your own mind!

That said, help is available, but it can only start with you first recognizing that there is a process to successful and sustained weight loss, just like there is a process to success of any kind.

Why diets often fail
The goal of so many people is to try to lose weight fast and easy. However, the reason so many fail is that they don’t know the whole weight loss process.

For example, one person may start a diet while another person gets more exercise for their body. Often they miss the first part of the process, which is “getting the right mindset.”

If your mind is not right, you are dooming yourself to failure. If your mind is right, then you can literally think you’re skinny.

In this short article, I have tried to give you an idea of ​​what is actually quite a complex sociological problem. Don’t worry, for now, all you need to do is recognize the following three key points:

1. In a capitalist society, our environment is focused on ensuring a sound economy, that is, ensuring that the system of supply and demand is continuous. You need to see it for what it is, use it to your advantage, but don’t be a slave to it;

2. Your mind is a powerful team. If you tell yourself something long enough, it will come true in your own mind. Take responsibility for your actions and inactions. Do not make excuses. From now on, “can’ts” become “cans”, “mights” become “must”;

3. Background noise in the context of this article is anything that tends to distract you or in any way interferes with your ability to achieve your health and fitness goals. Recognize that you are responsible for at least some of the background noise around you and try to dispel it.

… And remember… if you have your mind right, you can literally start “thinking you’re skinny.”

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