A natural cure for hypertension (high blood pressure) is much more desirable than relying on drugs. Natural cures are healthy, have only positive side effects and do not consume valuable health assets and resources. Drug therapies, on the other hand, are expensive and can be counterproductive.

So why are most Americans with hypertension dependent on drugs? Another question, why do so many doctors prescribe drug therapy instead of lifestyle change? According to Drugs.com, there are currently 195 brand-name drugs on the market that are used in part or in combination to treat high blood pressure, with more in the pipeline.

One hundred and ninety-five medicines for a meal? Ask yourself why there would be so many medications for a single condition when there are only a couple dozen, and much more commonly used, pain relievers available without a prescription. Why would so many pharmaceutical companies invest in research and testing a drug that is already in a very crowded market?

For starters, according to the American Heart Association, there are nearly 73 million Americans over the age of 20 who suffer from high blood pressure. That’s a lot of pill takers. Yet pharmaceutical companies keep pumping out hypertension drugs because there is a huge profit to be made. Marketing becomes as important as the drug itself.

And the benefits of pharmacotherapy? Side effects may include dizziness, impotence, fainting, rash, dry cough, depression, lethargy, liver damage, and insomnia. God forbid you also suffer from diabetes because that increases the risk of almost any high blood pressure medication.

Most professionals agree that the reason Americans have more high blood pressure than Europeans or Asians is stress and diet.

Stress is part of American culture. and we idolize him. Stress in itself is not a bad thing. We tend to perform better if there is some pressure on us. However, doing nothing to relieve stress is literally killing us.

Americans don’t sleep.Half of Americans have trouble sleeping and get less than 6 hours of sleep a night. Sleep is a natural way to relieve stress and half of us can’t do it.

Americans don’t exercise.Two thirds are overweight and one third is obese. Despite our love affair with youth and good looks, our daily lives do not reflect the emulation of those values. We apparently don’t have the time or discipline to spend 20 minutes a day exercising, even if it’s just a brisk walk.

Americans are killing themselves on their diet.Probably the biggest difference between the US and the rest of the developed world is a diet so poor in the nutrients needed for a healthy body, let alone control high blood pressure. Europeans and Asians eat far more fresh foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, potassium, and fiber than Americans. Fish is also a regular part of their diet. Not the frozen fried fish fingers we feed our children, but fresh fish. Fish oil has long been recognized for its important role in lowering blood pressure.

So there you have it. Americans are stressed, don’t exercise, and eat poorly. Not only that, we rely on doctors to treat our symptoms instead of putting in the effort to prevent a condition from occurring in the first place. The net result is that hypertension, the “silent killer,” affects one in three adults, costs this country millions in health care, and is unlikely to change our ways as a nation.

If you have high blood pressure, you can reduce your risk simply by making a few healthy lifestyle changes and you’ll save a fortune on medication. The diet and exercise plans available will not only help you with your blood pressure, but you will also feel better and look better. Do yourself a favor and do some research now.

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