Cinnamomum Verum (real cinnamon) is the real deal. It is said that most Americans have only tried Cinnamomum Cassia.

Sri Lanka produces 80-90% of the world’s supply of true cinnamon.

Cinnamomum Verum’s cousin, Cinnamomum Cassia, is cheaper, so many companies use it as a substitute. cassia cinnamonalso called chinese cinnamon, is produced in China, Vietnam and the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The Indonesian variety has the lowest oil content, making it the cheapest. Reading the packaging is essential.

If you buy the bark strips and grind your own, it’s easy to tell. If true, the pieces are curled from both ends, not just one continuous curl from one end. You can also find the truth Cinnamon has a supplement. in a capsule.

so many sweet desserts calls for the flavor, rolls, cobblers, coffee cakes. Pumpkin pie, baked apples or any fruit, coffee and tea, candy and gum, breath mints, sprinkled on toast with sugar, better yet honey. There are so many that it could fill the page. My grandmother would take leftover cake batter and sprinkle it with spices and sugar, then bake it. A tasty treat when I was a child.

I also remember buying cinnamon oil When I was at school. We would dip toothpicks in it and give it to our friends. He tasted like cinnamon but he was also hot. What a dirty trick to play on your friends.

there’s also savory dishes They benefit from the spice, pumpkin, beef, pork, lamb and chicken. Try adding some to your barbecue sauce. I remember eating beef stew where cinnamon was added. This was different and I didn’t enjoy it.

Therapeutically, cinnamon is a good source of manganese, dietary fiber, iron, and calcium. High in antioxidants, it can increase energy levels and vitality, as well as improve blood circulation.

Diabetics can benefit of its ability to promote sugar metabolism. It is said to help with the common cold, arthritis, and digestive problems, even head lice.

Cinnamon mixed with Sweetie It is considered to have a high anti-inflammatory effect. For people with arthritis this is helpful.

I usually cinnamon and honey in my oatmeal and cereal because it’s so much healthier for you than sugar.

Only the aroma can have a positive effect on you, The cinnamon scent It has been reported to increase cognitive function and improve memory. Especially in winter, when the house dries up, I will boil some water to moisten the place. Adding a stick to the pot makes the house smell so good.

Like anything, you can overdo it. An overdose of the spice is possible. It’s not a bad idea to ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are going to use a supplement.

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