Is it really possible that reality is embracing the futuristic scanning technology we see depicted in spy movies and science fiction? It is no secret that the sinister threats involving identity theft and fraud to compromise our security on all digitized networks are becoming more complex and sophisticated by the day. The new security terror is becoming more invasive and cleverly evasive from the latest updates to our antivirus and antimalware programs. Setting up and maintaining biometric security systems in our wireless, LAN or WAN infrastructures is becoming a critical high-tech application to protect highly confidential classified information.

Retinal scanning, facial recognition, fingerprint identification, and voice recognition are some of the components found in biometrics. So what is biometrics and who invented it? Derived from the Greek words “bio” meaning life and “metric” meaning a method of measuring something, biometric systems are pattern recognition systems that measure and analyze unique physical or behavioral characteristics for personal identification. Behavioral biometrics includes voice recognition and handwritten signature. Physical biometrics includes eye scans, facial recognition, fingerprints, and other DNA-related attributes.

There are several variations of theories about who invented and first used biometrics. Some reports point out that Joao De Barros, a European explorer, is credited with inventing fingerprint technology in the 14th century. A historical account from 1858 refers to Sir William Herschel, an Indian official, credited with the first systematic capture of images of hands and fingers for identification purposes. Other reports note that biometrics appeared in the 1800s by a French anthropologist and police employee named Alphonse Bertillon, who developed Bertillonage, a method of identifying criminals based on physical descriptions, body measurements, and photographs.

Fast forward to today’s groundbreaking technology in biometrics, we are seeing applications in areas such as banking and finance, healthcare, and schools. Due to the sensitivity of patient records in the healthcare system and for better financial data security, the integration of more biometric technology has become a necessary requirement. To address truancy, charge for meals, or replace library cards, biometric systems are being implemented in schools. We also see RFID and biometrics being used in gun safes to provide safe and controlled access to your firearms.

Biometric-enabled security scans have raised privacy and security concerns. Once your DNA or behavioral profiles are digitized, your personal files could be difficult to protect, according to some scientific researchers.

A typical biometric authentication system is not 100% accurate and may contain errors. Could biometric security vulnerabilities sacrifice data security? Is biometrics really easier to hack than passwords and could parts of your data be used to falsify legal documents and records? Could biometric data be used for purposes other than those it was collected without your consent, such as the government’s ability to use it for surveillance purposes? Will organizations be willing to risk security for convenience? Commitments to such risks could be catastrophic because they cannot be reestablished. Biometric technology is great for security authentication, but at the same time it raises more questions about whether or not it is an invasion of privacy.

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