The vast majority of so-called “diets” don’t work for long-term fat loss. While most diets have elements that can help you burn fat, almost all have fundamental flaws. The problem is, if you drastically reduce the amount of food you eat, you’re hungry first and more prone to “cheating,” and second, your body goes into “starvation mode” and actually stores MORE fat.

Don’t worry though, the real key to long-term weight loss and fat reduction is to follow a few simple guidelines that will help you burn fat and keep it off. Here are my top 7 quick tips for losing fat.

1. Drink lots of water. Okay, you’ve heard this before, but there’s a good reason for it. Your body needs a lot of water to properly metabolize food and fat stores. Drinking more water will also keep you from feeling hungry, and ironically, the more water you drink (on a regular basis), the less it is retained in the body.

2. Reduce your intake of fat and salt. I’m not saying don’t eat anything that contains fat or salt, but you can probably cut down at least 50% very easily. Don’t add salt to food at the table, grill meats and vegetables instead of frying them, and steer clear of fried salty snacks like French fries and French fries.

3. Get regular aerobic exercise. You don’t need to run mile after mile, just do something fun that gets your heart rate up for 40 minutes 3-4 times a week. A brisk walk, bike ride, bath, or game of badminton is quick, easy, and fun, and you’ll start to burn off that fat!

4. Eat your largest meals early in the day. Breakfast can be high in calories, as you will need that energy throughout the day. However, your dinner should be light, otherwise your body will convert it to fat stores overnight.

5. Increase your protein, while reducing your carbohydrates. I’m not telling you to start an Atkins diet here, just make a little adjustment. Cut your portion sizes of foods like potatoes, bread, or pasta in half while eating more fish, lean meats, and beans.

6. Get a good amount of fiber every day. That means plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, or consider adding bran to your breakfast cereal.

7. Do some resistance training. Most people think that lifting weights will make them bulky, but like all the other tips on this list, we are talking about moderation. Doing a light weight session each week will help tone your muscles, which means they will burn more fat, even when you’re resting!

As you can see, you don’t need to make any drastic changes to see results, just follow these simple quick fat loss tips and you will start to see real results in just a couple of weeks.

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