Despite his legal problems, Michael Vick is an incredible athlete. He was one of the most explosive and exciting players in the NFL. After spending nearly two years in prison and out of soccer, he’s back into a serious workout routine to regain his explosive speed, amazing stamina and overall incredible athleticism. His training is a combination of a great lifting routine, interval training, and a healthy diet.

Vick’s Workouts

Perform cardiovascular exercises like running, swimming, and high-intensity interval training to boost metabolism and increase stamina. He also does things like obstacle courses, parachute runs, and agility training. You can simulate these workouts with a treadmill or stationary bike. Even when you’re not doing cardio, it’s a good idea to start your weight-lifting days with a few minutes of cycling to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for lifting.

Bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, dips, mountain climbers, burpees, and sit-ups are added after the cardio. These workouts are done in sets of 20 to 40 to improve results and combine brute strength with muscular endurance. Stretching is also vitally important, as it improves circulation and helps lengthen and strengthen muscles.

Weight training is the centerpiece of any training plan. Using a barbell, the basic pattern of 3 sets of 5 squats, bench press, overhead press, and power cleans will help you build muscle and explosive power. You should aim to lift three times a week and add a deadlift session (1 set of 5) once a week. Take adequate rest between sets and make sure that on days you’re not working out you really rest – recovery is just as important as working out!


A good diet is essential to build a strong body. You should eat between 1 and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Protein can be found in many foods such as red meat, chicken, tuna, and nuts. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables like spinach and arugula. A steady serving of fruit will give you the natural sugars and amino acids your body needs. Protein shakes can help supplement your regular protein intake and provide a boost to energy and metabolism.

If you are serious about achieving a body like Michael Vick’s, then you should consider other supplements, particularly nitric oxide. Nitric oxide not only helps increase blood flow to your muscles, it gives them exactly what they need to lift more, generate more power, heal faster, and grow bigger. Nitric oxide has been linked to dramatic improvements in muscle mass and strength.

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