Today, there are many people who spend a good part of their time investigating what seems to be going on behind the scenes. Thanks to modern technology, there is no shortage of information when it comes to this topic.

The only thing that someone like this will need is a Smartphone since this device will allow them to connect to an infinite amount of information. Social media sites and video sharing platforms will provide you with everything you need.

Part of them

Someone could even literally live and breathe these things, this being something that will consume your mind from morning to night. If this is the case, they might see themselves as someone who is “awake.”

Unlike the “sheep” who only pay attention to the mainstream media and have been indoctrinated by the educational system, they will know what is going on in the world. If they are, it will come as no surprise that they have a superiority complex.

Other part

Now, regardless of whether someone spends most of their time viewing this material and has a superiority complex, they could do whatever they can to “wake up” other people. In a way, it could be as if they were in a battle between “good” and “evil”.

For good to triumph, they must continue their mission of awakening as many people as possible. However, because of how plugged in some people are, they are likely to find that this is not an easy task.

The solution

If asked why they want to “wake up” people, they might say that this is the only way the world will change. Once a certain number of people realize what is happening, the game is over.

This makes perfect sense as if someone is not aware of what is happening; They will continue to follow a “hidden plan”. This will be a plan that they must accept, at least unconsciously, in order for it to materialize.

Karmic law

It has been said that this is how people behind the scenes can cause harm without having to face the consequences of their actions. By influencing people both indirectly and directly, and thereby “fabricating consent,” it is not possible for “elites” to be held accountable for their actions.

Some people may feel victimized and controlled by a government or other entity, but they will have unknowingly caused the circumstances in which they find themselves. But without your understanding, it is to be expected that what is happening “out there” will be seen as the problem.

At the key point

What this illustrates is how important self-awareness is, as without it someone will not be aware of the impact their actions are having. If they are caught up in what the media says is happening and they experience a lot of fear as a result, it will be much more difficult for them to be in their center and think rationally.

So it can be normal for you to consent to things that you probably wouldn’t consent to if you were internally centered. For example, if they are in a very unstable place, they could happily give away their freedom if an outside source promises to make everything okay.

Holding an unwanted reality

With all of this in mind, the more people are aware of what elites do and their need for consent to avoid getting into trouble, the sooner the world will change. The problem is that while being aware of what is happening is important, it can also do more harm than good.

This boils down to the fact that if someone is investigating what appears to be happening and finds themselves in a place of resistance, they are going to feed on the same reality they are against. This is due to the fact that what resists is what will persist and grow.

Law of resonance

If one was just an observer of reality and what was happening within them had no effect on what was happening outside of them, then being against something would be the correct approach. But, as you are co-creators of your reality, it means that the best way to change the world is to be what you want to experience the most.

According to quantum physics, everyone and everything on this planet is made up of vibrating energy. Therefore, the only reason that elites “out there” can exist is that a large part of the population is vibrating at a certain frequency.


As attractive as it is, then, to focus and fight what is happening “out there”, what is happening “out there” is a reflection of what is happening within the collective consciousness. What is happening externally is much more attractive to the ego mind than going within.

If someone were to take a step back from what is happening externally and out within themselves, to see what it is that needs to be resolved, they could soon experience a lot of pain. Whereas concentrating on the outside world can make someone feel alive, self-righteous, and allow them to receive approval.

Final thoughts

With this in mind, if someone “wakes up” another person and this person ends up focusing on what the elites are doing and finds themselves in a place of resistance, they may still be “asleep.” To use an analogy: it will be as if they have found a new weapon in a game, but they will continue to play the same game.

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When you use your creative energy to co-create a different world, you are likely to do much more for them and the planet as a whole.

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