polypropylene rugs

What you need to know when buying polypropylene rugs.

Polypropylene rugs are one of the most popular types of rugs as they are the most affordable and would be one of the most common rugs in homes with their affordability and durability accounting for 80% of sales.

Polypropylene is a fully synthetic carpet, which means that it can be cleaned very easily. Stain resistance plays an important role when selecting your new carpet, which is why it is so popular in both home and rental properties. The wear and tear on your rug also plays a role and that’s exactly what you get with this durable and affordable type of rug.

Polypropylene is not as strong as nylon and not as common in carpet fibers, however this particular fiber is becoming much more popular and is very cost effective, durable and practical in all circumstances. It also keeps up with fashion trends now available in textured patterns and designs in the latest colors.

Polypropylene (Olefin Carpet Fiber)

Olefin carpet fiber is strong, resists wear and permanent stains, and is easy to clean. It is colorfast because the color is added in the production of the fiber. It is used both in interior and exterior installations for its resistance to humidity and mold, it also resists static electricity. Olefin carpet fiber is also used in the manufacture of synthetic turf for sports surfaces, such as those used for tennis and hockey. You will also find it to be good at home in outdoor areas like patios and in game rooms as well. Many Berber rugs are made from olefin rug fiber as they are better at loop rugs. Olefin fibers are colorfast as the production process involves mixing polypropylene with the dyes.

Again, the most important aspect of all polypropylene rugs is that they are strong, mildew resistant, moisture resistant, affordable, and easy to clean.

Main advantages:

Solution Dyed Colors

Good coverage and volume

abrasion resistant

stain resistant

low static

favorable price

resist fading

Carpet care:

Tips to help your rug look good.

1. Carpets should be vacuumed regularly

2. Spills must be cleaned up as soon as they occur.

3. Before cleaning, pick up solids.

4. Wipe up liquid spills as soon as possible with a clean white towel or paper towel.

5. To clean a specific stain, use a recommended stain removal agent.

6. If the stain is really bad or you’re not sure what it is, call an expert carpet cleaner.

7. Before treating stains, be sure to test treatments on an inconspicuous area of ​​carpet for possible color change.

8. Rinse only with cold or lukewarm water, but never saturate your rug.

9. When drying the rug, please dry it with a white towel or paper towel or use a cold air fan to complete drying.

10. Have your carpet professionally cleaned when needed. Steam cleaning is recommended.

11. During the stain removal and rinsing stages, do not rub the pile of the carpet

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