What is really normal? If you think about it in today’s society, what is really normal? Is being blonde normal or brunette? And your height? That’s normal? Think about your background for a moment, is that normal? There are many things that go into a single person’s life story and how they got to where they are today, how can we classify someone as “normal”.

We all grew up in a society where most of us went to school, we had peer pressure and even parental influence in our life to make it “normal.” But when you think about it, there really is nothing normal. We are all different and unique energetic beings on this planet. We’ve all had different backgrounds growing up, different families, we see each other differently, we sound differently, and we act differently. So why is there this pressure to be normal?

Today’s society has influenced this complexity of our life for several generations. He has put the emphasis on not being an individual but on being like other people. Do you have the latest in clothes, hairstyle, car, gadgets? If he does, then society says he fits in with others and is “normal” and if he doesn’t, he is considered “weird” or “different.” But the wonderful thing about life is that we are all like that! We are all unique in our own right, and this is “normal” for us. It is not about the material things in life, but about understanding that you are perfect just the way you are.

Think about it, was there ever a time in your life when you didn’t feel normal or did you think that if I was normal? The normal thing is to understand that we are all different and to love you for who you are. You have a perfect soul at your core and you are unique in your own right.

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