Lucinda Clark did something very powerful: she compiled poetry from four authors whose lives represent the majority of Americans. The works are sensitive, truthful and, above all, come from the heart of the writer.

Makal Ani speaks from the heart. The poems are moving, poignant and endearing. When she read Makal’s poems, she had to read them very slowly, absorbing each word. Makal’s words brought me to a place of interrogation.

Lucinda Clark portrays American life as it is. She talks about women learning to use power tools and baseball. She also talks about death, feelings and spirituality. Lucinda’s unfolding of words gives a complete picture of who we are. I found myself nodding a lot as I read Lucinda’s work.

Robert Ward talks about the spirit. He puts the reader in a place of understanding and acceptance of God’s handiwork. Through his work, Robert’s words of wisdom are touching and tender. He was able to get me in touch with my own beliefs and truths.

Toni Quest’s poems are short and very effective. She brings a subtle humor to her work. As women, we can laugh at the truths that Toni portrays so well. I chuckled and at the same time realized that yes, chocolate is seductive.

It is not easy to compile a book of poetry, much less choose which ones to publish. Lucinda’s collection captivated me from the beginning. For me, poetry reading should be done from a place of prevailing compassion, otherwise it ends up being a collection of meaningless words.

I greatly commend Lucinda Clark for being able to create a collection of poetry that is powerful, passionate, and loving. Every single piece of “View From The Middle of The Road, Vol II” touched my heart in some way, from deep thought to roaring laughter. Highly recommended!

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