Don’t HATE it when you KNOW what to do. BUT you can’t make yourself do it! You know the “I really shouldn’t eat those cookies, I’m trying to lose weight… but they taste so good and… the battles that go on inside you? Don’t you hate those battles?”

INTERNAL RESISTANCE and EMOTIONAL EATING are 2 factors that block your motivation to lose weight.

When it comes to losing weight, we can quickly find a flood of diet programs online or offline. However, losing weight is not an easy process. Even after positive motivation, following the rules of the diet program, looking at the scale, you can end up with cravings and overweight… WHY does losing weight seem like a roller coaster ride and so difficult? Because your MENTAL SETUP (motivation) has enemies within… Both INNER RESISTANCE and EMOTIONAL EATING constantly challenge your mind and sabotage your weight loss efforts.

The answer to WHY DO WE OVEREAT could be personal loss, stress, menopause, genetic (inherited) factors, diet failure, or other conditions. The main cause of WHY WE EAT IN EXCESS is the trigger of EMOTIONAL FOOD. So how do you know that you are using food in this way? In addition to weight gain, examine other areas of your life: * Have you been under stress lately at work or at home? * Has anything traumatic happened in the past year? * Are you dealing with a problem but haven’t found a solution? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may be an emotional eater.

* Foods high in fat such as French fries, fried foods
* Foods high in carbohydrates such as macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes
* Sugary foods like ice cream, donuts, cookies, cakes

Seeking comfort for your wounds.

Emotional eaters use food to relieve stress (by the way, dark chocolate works really well against stress). People who turn to food for comfort find a coping mechanism that won’t judge, hurt, or tell them “no.” To compound the problem, eating pleasurable foods can stimulate the release of endorphins just like exercise. So after you eat, you feel better.

A good starting point is to stop thinking “YOUR FOOD IS YOUR FRIEND”. Plain and simple: food is your fuel, not a friend. PRACTICE and REPLACE the food taught with how much better your skin will look, how you will banish sadness with happiness, how much energy you will have and the self-confidence you will build…
The second step to getting rid of emotional eating is to recognize that you have a problem. Don’t hide behind food, look for a solution to your problem.

If you are eating when you are not necessarily hungry, this may indicate internal resistance.
Internal resistance could be a major factor in self-sabotaging your weight loss efforts.
Neutralize the internal fight. Rewire the system. Download the cargo. Or the bodies contain emotions and confusion just as they contain memories of something terrible that happened to us years ago at school. If you can get rid of INTERNAL RESISTANCE and you can TOLERATE HUNGER and stay overweight forever.

Keep in mind that the universal reality of a fit body is eating healthy and engaging in daily physical activity.
1) Don’t lose your health by trying to diet… Eat Healthy.
2) Metabolism is the key determinant of weight loss; daily physical activities will burn fat.
3) Get the right motivation and get rid of emotional factors that block your efforts to lose weight.

Keeping the healthy weight loss tips above in mind, work on your emotional factors that block your motivation to lose weight.

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