Platy Fish is always considered as the great fish that beginners must have. The species is native to Central America and is known for its beautiful bright colors. Here are some important tips if you want to keep your fish platinum:

1. There are numerous varieties of saucers and their names are associated with their colors. So there are gold plates, salt and pepper plates, black plates, blue plates, and calico plates. There is a wide variety available on the market and you must select them carefully to achieve a perfect match.

2. Most varieties of flounder fish have a large dark spot on the tail. For this reason, they are also called Moonfish. Some people call them Mickey Mouse platy! Be on the lookout for this place when purchasing them. If the place fades or is not seen, please do not buy them.

3. They have a useful life of about three years. They can tolerate different levels of water hardness and a variety of water temperatures. However, if you keep the water temperature a little cooler, in the 60 to 75 ° F range, they will be very active and their colors will light up.

4. Your eating habits are absolutely normal. You can feed them natural food, flaked food, frozen food, or even algae from the aquarium! However, it is advisable to feed them a variety of things so that they get adequate nutrition.

5. Females are larger than males. Females can grow up to 3 inches, but males can only grow up to 2 inches. Males can be identified by both their color and their size. They have a modified anal ending.

6. They are peaceful in nature and can get along well with any other species of fish in the same aquarium. However, you should not have many males in the same tank because they will start fighting each other. One more important thing about conserving the other species is size. If you keep large species, flounder fish may not be comfortable with them.

7. Although they are peaceful, at the time of breeding they will become aggressive. The males will become relentless and attack the females. Sometimes they hurt the females so much that the females can die! To avoid this, you should have a few females (at least three or four of them) for every male. This will spread the risk!

8. They are very fast reproducers and their population will multiply in a short time. So every time you bring them into your aquarium, you need to think of enough space for the future. They will need plenty of space to swim and if kept in a crowded aquarium they will develop stress and may not live any longer.

9. If you cannot accommodate a large aquarium in your home, you can think of a pond outside in the garden to keep them.

10. They do not require heater in the aquarium. In fact, if you keep them in cold water, they will be healthy and will live longer. However, you need to provide enough lighting in the aquarium so that your lights will shine bright and your family and friends will enjoy viewing them.

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