As we all know, summer is just around the corner. It’s that time of year again to wear your sexy bikini and maybe turn heads on the beach. And what better way to kick off the beach season than with hair-free, silky-smooth skin? However, getting rid of unwanted body hair is a problem for many women. It is not an easy task to do. Firstly, there is a certain degree of pain and discomfort involved, and secondly, doing it professionally can be quite expensive. Hair grows fairly quickly, so maintaining hair-free skin can be a hassle, not to mention expensive. Fortunately, there are hair removal options on the market today that offer permanent results. And by permanent, it means inhibiting hair growth for several months.

For you, not dealing with unwanted hair for several months can be a good thing, however, treatments that offer such results as laser and electrolysis are really expensive. That’s why more and more women and even men are looking for cheaper alternatives that offer the same permanent results. If you are one of these people, don’t worry. There is a much cheaper alternative to these treatments: thermodynamic hair removal.

Thermodynamic hair removal is a fairly new option for removing unwanted hair. It uses heat to destroy the hair through a process called thermal transfer. This thermodynamic cable is usually encased in a portable device to make it much easier to use. When this wire comes into contact with the hair, it destroys the hair above the surface and at the same time stops hair growth under the skin. It is believed to disrupt communication between the hair and the root, which may be essential for regrowth. Over time, this repeated interruption is believed to lead to decreased hair density and growth.

Many people use this system as it has been found to remove hair as effectively as more expensive treatments such as lasers and electrolysis. However, it has its own share of downsides. This permanent hair removal system is not for the impatient. You have to glide it over your skin slowly and you have to repeat the process two to three times a week. However, after a couple of uses, the process will be faster and easier.

For a do-it-yourself at-home permanent hair removal system, thermodynamic hair removal devices provide the same long-term effect of reducing hair growth. It is also guaranteed to be one hundred percent safe and effective, not to mention much cheaper in the long run.

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