Not all colleges are created equal, and just like with people, every college earns a reputation, whether it’s good, bad, or in-between. Now consider that once you earn a degree from a university, your reputation will be associated with you for the rest of your life. Every employer will see the name of the college or university you attended on your resume. Accordingly, below are some reputation-related considerations to weigh before committing to attend.

famous or infamous

Is your school’s name instantly recognizable? If so, it is famous or infamous. Of the two, being famous is the only one better than being unknown. If a university has a bad reputation, it may actually reflect on you. Schools that are famous can be a great benefit to graduates; one no one has ever heard of won’t hurt, but a school with a bad academic reputation should be avoided.


Some universities are only known for one course of study. This means you can have a lackluster, or even negative, reputation for other careers, while also boasting a big name in your area of ​​interest. If you’re sure the major is for you, these schools are a great choice. Just make sure you don’t end up in one of them by studying outside of their major.


This may be more crucial than any other factor. Is your university really qualified to give you a genuine education? There are many levels of accreditation, and each one determines whether the institution is a university or simply a college. You also take into account the availability of a major in the subject you want, because a school must be accredited for each major. Although your administration may claim to offer a “course of study” in your chosen field, they may not have the necessary accreditation to offer that field of study as a recognized specialty.

How to assess the reputation of a university

Evaluating a school’s reputation is more of an art than a science. Ask seniors you know what they think of the university and what it’s best known for, then research what they tell you to ensure the accuracy of those comments. Talk to the school’s own representatives about your questions or concerns, but don’t necessarily accept everything they tell you because they have incentives to position the school in the most positive light possible. Also, just try researching the college through an internet search engine to see what interesting information comes up.

A school’s reputation is perhaps the most important factor to consider when weighing the impact of your college on your future. If an employer thinks you attended one that probably didn’t prepare you adequately for the job under consideration, it doesn’t matter much in that situation whether you loved it and received an excellent education; it could still reflect badly on you. Instead, you want your school name to help garner instant respect and admiration.

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