This week I got the same question from two different mothers whose daughters want to be Miss America one day.

What is the difference between glitz and natural beauty pageants, and which one do I recommend?

Both flashiness and natural contests can help young women develop confidence and stage presence in a fun environment; but there are great differences between brilliance and the natural world of pageantry. To understand where my point of view comes from, let me first point out that the two young women want to compete in the Miss America system. Second, I am a specialized natural contest trainer and my background is resume writing, interviewing / communication skills, and developing a positive self-image.

Natural contests

The contest systems included in this category are National American Miss (NAM), American Coed Pageant (COED), International Junior Miss (IJM), America’s National Teenager (ANTSO), Cinderella, America’s Outstanding Teen, Miss America, Teen- World, Miss United States, Mrs. America, Mrs. United States and Mrs. International. There are many more, but this is a sample of systems familiar to people in the world of contests.

  • Generally speaking, the makeup guideline for children under 12 is zero. Some will only allow mascara and lip gloss on stage in bright light. Makeup used on teens and women is to enhance natural beauty, not to become the focal point or to make them look like someone they are not. The same goes for the hairstyle. Always be sure to check with your director for the details of your contest.
  • The clothes are tasteful and shiny; but it is not overly ornate. Costumes are usually store bought and subtly adorned or customized by the contestant to reflect their sense of personality and style. The wardrobe should always draw attention to the girl who wears it. Not the other way.
  • The modeling style for the dress is elegant and smooth. The arms and hands are close to your body moving in natural opposition (when you step forward with your right foot, your left arm moves forward and so on).
  • Facial expressions are natural with the energy of the eyes and the combination of smiles.
  • Communication skills are developed through an introduction on stage, a personal interview, and a question on stage.

Who does well in natural contests? Contestants who enjoy talking, are skilled at an artist’s talent, get good grades, have a charitable cause they are passionate about, and are whole people tend to excel in natural contests. These skills can easily be transferred to life outside of the contest stage.

Glitz contests

There are many glitz contests across the country. If your child has been blessed with facial beauty, this may be the place to start. Glitz contests provide the opportunity for young children to get used to being on stage before they can speak.

  • In flamboyant pageants, you will see the use of false hairpieces, heavy makeup, deep spray tan, false teeth (called flaps), false eyelashes, and colored contact lenses that most contestants wear.
  • The clothes for the ostentatious parade are usually the short dress with a cupcake skirt.. A cupcake dress is a dress that is several inches above the knee, has several layers of lace, and is heavily stoned and dazzled. Most of the dresses you see on the Toddlers and Tiaras TV show are cupcake dresses and are filmed in glitzy pageants.
  • Glitz contests have their own style of modeling. Due to the full cupcake skirt, contestants learn to walk with their hands away from the body with their fingertips gently curving around the outer frill of their dress. When they walk, their arms do not move in the natural way of opposition. Instead, they move in the same direction (if you step out with your right foot, your right arm moves slightly with it).
  • Facial expressions tend to be exaggerated with lots of lashes, tilting the head from side to side and blowing kisses.
  • The opportunity to develop oral communication skills is limited in show-off contests.. If the contestant speaks, it is brief or just to say her name, age and where she is from. This may be because most of the contestants are infants and toddlers whose speech has not yet developed. Once again, the focus is on outer beauty.

Who does well in flaunting contests? Contestants who really enjoy dressing up to create new characters on stage will love the swanky contests. The crowns are larger than the child’s head and the trophies are twice the height. There are also usually many prizes.

Just make sure your child can tolerate hair combing, lash sticking, and wearing a lot of makeup. Glitz contests are expensive and high maintenance. They are very popular and easy to find for children under the age of 5.

Because the glitz environment is all about creating an illusion, it is difficult, but not impossible, for children who have only held glitz contests to successfully transition to natural contests as they age. Modeling style, limited speaking experience, and facial expressions learned at a young age are hard habits to break.

So to answer the second part of the question about what kind of pageant would I recommend, as these two little girls want to be Miss America one day (and what the 10-year-old doesn’t want to be), I’d say stick with the systems of natural parades.

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