We have prepared a report with “101 Closing Techniques to Help Buyers Say YES!” but frankly, not all of them will work in an online environment.

But if your business is like mine, most of it is online… not all of it.

So we need to be good at all the closing techniques.

And if you’re like me, you feel much more comfortable with some techniques than others.

But before we get to that, why do you need closing techniques when making sales?

A word: objections.

Brian Tracy, possibly the best sales trainer in the world, says:

“The fact is that objections are good. Objections indicate interest. Successful sales have twice as many objections as unsuccessful sales.”

Unfortunately, objections feel like rejection to many people who don’t like to sell. That was me. For a few years, sales was an area that scared the hell out of me.

It felt a lot like being on stage with immense pressure to perform.

Sales as a service!

However, flipping the script, as Tracy has done in her comment above, encourages even non-salespeople to provide the best service to the prospect.

If the seller understands that the service is ultimately his job, he has not only permission, but also a duty to help people solve their problems, in exchange for money.

Closing techniques are not tricky tactics to separate the shopper from their wallet, but persuasive tactics to get prospects to take action on something they already want and need, and move toward that solution.

Sometimes they are not ready, but waiting only makes their situation worse. That’s where the right closing technique can help them take action and hopefully implement that solution to make the necessary changes.

Closing sales letters, especially online, presents a special problem.

We cannot be face to face to establish the physical relationship. Online business people struggle with that, as evidenced by the rapid adoption of on-camera video sales letters.

Therefore, we rely on closing techniques that have been proven to work online.

Below, we review the top 10 closing techniques used by the most successful online sellers.

One or all of these may work for you. You may think none of them will work because your niche is “special.”

Nonsense. I used to say that too. The truth was simpler: he was afraid to ask for the sale.

My love of staying in business (which means making money) was greater than my fear of asking for a sale, so that eventually disappeared. (If you’re in my community, you may have noticed.)

Let’s review the closing techniques below.

Closing techniques proven to work online

closing parentheses

This is commonly known as a pricing panel. The potential customer feels that he is choosing between three products or three service levels when, in reality, he will choose the one the owner wants 90% of the time.

Panels are typically configured like the one above:

· A simplified and low-cost version. (no one wants to go to the slums!)

· A high-value option in the middle that fits almost everyone’s needs with a slight price increase over the low-cost version.

· And a high-cost premium version for those buyers who always go for luxury.

Of course, the middle one is the one the seller wants almost everyone to buy.

Closed Cost of Inaction (COI)

Kudos to Alex Mandossian for this tip. He advises training students and clients to focus on COI, not ROI, when presenting options to prospects.

But ROI (return on investment) is inherently positive. It will give prospects a sense of hope and possibility, right?

That may be true, but COI (cost of inaction) triggers the most powerful emotional driver: the fear of missing out (FOMO).

The cost of inaction needs to be spelled out – here’s what will happen if you DON’T take advantage of this today.

A great analogy is wanting to play the piano for 10 years, but never taking lessons. To keep doing what you have done is to get what you have. He still won’t be able to play the piano for another 10 years.

It’s totally emotional and psychological, but it works like gangbusters.

FOMO will show up quite a bit in these closing techniques as the main driver, but let’s just say it taps into that dark place we all go to when we feel like someone else is getting a better deal.

closed deadline

Many, many online marketers love this closing technique because it’s so tangible and works like nothing else if…

… you enforce your deadlines.

A good countdown timer like Simple Countdown Creator allows marketers to schedule promotions and automations to ensure deadlines and sales actions are met as advertised.

Potential customers and customers get used to buying your products before the deadline because the offer will disappear after the deadline.

There are a couple types of terms:

1. Quick Action – Like the one on the left, the timer shows the visitor that they can save an additional 20% with a special coupon code in the next 14 minutes and 40 seconds before the countdown timer expires.

2. Sales period: It can be hours, days or weeks, but there is a deadline looming. And of course, the closer the deadline approaches, the less urgency the prospect will feel to take action.

The problem with deadlines and timers (other than the app) is getting the timing right. As the chart below demonstrates, sales over a period of time have a predictable pattern with a spike at the beginning, a lull in the middle, and a massive spike at the end.

Often the final spike as the deadline approaches can be 70 to 90 percent of sales.

So, the seller has two options:

1. Contract the time of the sale to remove as much calm as possible, or…

2. Find a way to stimulate sales during the lull to improve conversions at that time.

Some techniques for that are:

1. Incremental price increases

2. Bonus Reduction

3. Sales contests during specific periods of the sale

And others, of course.

The big driver behind deadlines is intense scarcity and more FOMO.

Closed Demonstration

My favorite was the Rainbow Vacuum salesman who came to the house when I was a kid and showed my nagging mom how dirty her carpet was by showing her how great the water-filled vacuum was. She was mortified to see the mud in the bowl swirl as he vacuumed. We bought the Rainbow vacuum.

We use the demo close often on a bridge page to pre-sell our viewers about software or training programs.

Having a customer do a quick demo showing the power of the solution with real results helps prospects see how a “real person” has used the solution and easily translate the possibilities for themselves. That’s the Holy Grail of show closing, and it’s been mastered by the folks at QVC.

It makes the closing a simple process of revealing the price, the value and the buy button.

Close Directive

This is a very popular but often forgotten closing technique.

Tell prospects EXACTLY what to do.

By showing prospects a step-by-step process, you’re guiding them through the buying process. And you’re also setting expectations, reducing fear of the unknown, and eliminating hesitation.

Often this takes the form of:

Step 1 – Click the button

Step 2 – Enter your name, email and address

Step 3 – Enter your credit card information

Step 4 – Click Submit

Step 5 – Check your email inbox for product delivery…

As you demonstrate this process, the prospect often takes the action steps and follows through, making the purchase.

Empathy Close

I was just like you.

I had the same problem as you.

I completely understand how you feel.

I almost went bankrupt when that happened to me.

Those are all examples of statements that prospects can relate to.

The empathetic closing is necessary in almost all sales presentations. If you don’t identify with the prospect, they rarely become your customer because they don’t trust or engage with you.

With an empathic close, you identify, relate, and trust the potential customer first because you understand their problem.

exclusive closure

Everybody wants to be special.

And your prospects are special, of course, but you can point out exactly how special they are.

“Only a few people will take action on it because most people are afraid to change their lives. But that’s not you.”

You are a special kind of person who sees the possibilities, imagines the future and makes it happen. That is why you are one of the few who will take action on it. And that’s why we only want to work people like you in our private group…”

You get the drift.

Another way to do this is to tell people who this product is NOT for. For example, we have an exclusive live event in October.

There are only 50 places available.

And it’s limited to people in our groups of 200 or 300. In other words, you need to have a business going, make some sales, and be serious about your niche.

If you don’t already have an established business, this is not for you.

That’s an exclusivity lock.

money talks close

With this closing, the seller demonstrates the cost of the problem. It can be counted in a table similar to a spreadsheet.

The prospect can see the numbers and understand the cost of the problem.

If the numbers are correct, the prospect will agree with the cost of the problem.

Then, propose a solution that will reduce the cost of that problem.

To take away Close

This is exactly what it sounds like. And it is incredibly effective.

As the process is revealed, the offer is modified to remove something he had previously given. In other words, your bonus or additional feature will be removed if you don’t close now.

For example, if you sell software online, you can offer an additional 6 months of updates if they buy now. If they come back to the site tomorrow, the extra 6 months will be gone.

You have taken it.

This takes advantage of the effect of the fear of missing out so well that it’s almost painful for the prospect, which is exactly what you want…

Testimonial Close

Are prospects going to believe what you say about the effectiveness of your product solution?

Or are they more likely to believe someone who has used it and had great results?

Of course, they can more easily believe the testimonials because they seem more unbiased.

That’s the beauty of testimonials.

And testimonials can be the element that moves the visitor from prospect to buyer.

These are the best closing techniques online.

And we’ve only scratched the surface.

Any business owner will want to master these closing techniques and more if they want to make more money. The great thing about an online business is that you can easily test which one works best with your people.

There are hundreds of closing techniques, but we boiled them down to the 101 best closing techniques in the “101 Closing Techniques That Will Make Buyers Say YES” report. Before he leaves

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