Establish a regular work routine, whether at home or elsewhere. You can set your own hours while being self-employed whenever and wherever you want; However, to develop passive income streams or create a new product, you need to work regular hours every day. At first, you may be working more than 12-14 hours a day. If you’re not ready for that time frame, you can increase your hours incrementally as long as you work consistently.

Be sure to eat regular meals throughout the day (or night) to fuel your body. Nourishing your body at regular intervals keeps you alert and focused, as well as energizes your body and brain. If you skip meals for a long period of time (or all at once) you will not be productive, you will fall asleep, you will be in a bad mood and you will not be at your peak performance.

· Be sure to consume whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats and legumes. Try not to eat foods that are high in sugar and salt as they will take away your energy. Organic/natural is optimal; cook and prepare your own meals instead of going out to restaurants, clubs and bars (as an added bonus, you’ll save extra money by eating at home or packing your lunches),

· Hydrate at every opportunity, especially with water. When you’re dehydrated, you may crave sugary or salty snacks and heavy meals. His brain is tricked into thinking he’s hungry when he’s actually thirsty. You should eat only when you are very hungry (usually 4-6 hours after a meal). Hydrating also keeps your brain and body alert. If you drink coffee or tea, try to limit caffeine several hours before bed. If possible, eliminate the consumption of soft drinks and energy drinks; they are diuretics and contain preservatives that cause premature thirst and cravings for junk food. If you don’t like plain water, or aren’t used to drinking water regularly, flavor it with a slice of lemon or other fruit.

If any element of your freelance work requires long hours on smartphones, laptops, or PCs, take regular breaks. At least every hour, walk around a bit and readjust your eyes for distance vision. If you work continuous hours in front of computers, your joints and back will become painful and stiff, and your eyes will become blurry and tired. Regular breaks from computer and smartphone screens will keep you from getting tired and keep your metabolism healthy.

Establish an exercise routine. You don’t have to get a gym membership to exercise/keep fit. Taking long walks every day (at least half an hour) will be enough. Regular exercise reduces stress, reinforces effective eating/snacking habits, and keeps the mind alert.

· Be sure to schedule regular doctor visits if you can afford it. Maintaining good health is paramount to building your business for the long term. If you can’t afford regular health insurance (for example, COBRA), look for private companies that offer low monthly rates and high deductibles for the self-employed, or find out if you can enroll in your partner’s or spouse’s health plan.

· Try to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every day. A regular sleep/wake routine is essential for good productivity, healthy energy levels, and maintaining good eating habits. Turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before bed. If you travel a lot, be sure to adjust your sleep-wake cycles accordingly and get 6-8 hours of sleep wherever you are. If you must stay up all night, please give your body the necessary sleep when you are done with the project(s).

· Reward yourself when you reach a personal goal or breakthrough. A reward could be a lunch or dinner out (making sure you live below your means, of course!), exercising, spending time with family, playing or watching sports, going for a drive, walking in the woods, etc. . Your rewards reinforce your hard work and relax your brain to allow new ideas to flourish.

Live below your financial means. Evaluate your personal budgets (or joint ones, if you’re a partner) and cut costs if necessary. Don’t buy anything you don’t need, especially large purchases that will be charged on credit. Pay off all debts, if possible. Work a part-time job to supplement your income, if necessary. Move to a smaller house. Buy non-perishable items in bulk. Walk, bike or use public transportation. Always have an emergency fund ($1,000) available.

· Ask a mentor or friend who is successful in their own business for help. His wise words can help you avoid common mistakes or judgments. Most people who are successful in their small business/entrepreneurial activities are more than happy to share their successes with you and will give you a lift if you need it.

If you fail at any task, no matter how big or small, view the failure as an opportunity for self-improvement or to help plan an alternative path to achieve whatever goal you set for yourself. Being persistent in building your business is essential; If you give up too easily, you will become frustrated with the business process.

· Keep a positive attitude. You don’t have to shout from the mountaintops for the whole world to hear every day; however, you must be passionate and motivated in some way every day to keep building your business. If you harbor constant negative thoughts about what you are doing, you will sabotage not only the growth of your business, but also your personal growth. Negativity drains our creative and physical energies. Prolonged negative attitudes and perspectives also negatively affect your health. Even if you are experiencing the worst day, week or month, you should look for (a) positive trend(s) to keep moving forward.

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