Did you know that your cable service limits what you watch on TV? Cable users are left out of the loop when it comes to television programming, new movie releases and sports programming. Satellite television offers an unrivaled television experience to its subscribers. Not only are they catching up on the latest in HD technology on more channels, but they also get exclusive drama and comedy TV shows, a plethora of the latest movies, and sports packages that exceed the needs of any die-hard fan.

Cutting edge TV programming

As a cable subscriber, you have to wait ages to watch the popular shows all your friends are addicted to right now, like Entourage and Weeds. You’re afraid to admit that you don’t know if Turtle is an animal or a person. And you can’t see how people could relate to a suburban drug-dealing widow. Satellite TV delivers the channels you need to stay up to date while bringing you drama and comedy programming that’s edgier, more real than what you see on your basic cable. You can also experience this programming in high definition, taking you even deeper into the drama.

new movie releases

Satellite TV makes it easy to get the latest movie releases. You can rent new HD movies directly from your satellite TV provider whenever you want at a low cost. This benefit makes your hectic life a little easier by taking the stress out of choosing a movie at your local video store that the whole family can enjoy. Rather, everyone can choose the movie for their family movie night from the comfort of their own living room.

Higher Sports Programming

The quintessential sports fan is not a true sports fan unless he has satellite TV. With a satellite package, you have access to sports programming like NFL Sunday Ticket, Mega March Madness and NASCAR HotPass. These features let you get the most out of the college and professional sports you love to watch on the weekends. You can watch up to eight games at once with NFL Sunday Ticket and four games during March Madness. Plus, satellite TV makes your favorite sports more interactive through special features and high-definition technology.

With satellite TV, you have it all: cutting-edge TV programming, new movie releases, and top sports programming. All this also does not require a sacrifice. Subscribers get all these extra benefits, but they also get to keep their local channels, resulting in hundreds of channels. This is also priced affordable for any budget. In some cases, it can even cost less than what you’re paying your cable provider. So why be limited to cable TV when you can have the latest in high definition technology and advanced programming with satellite TV? It’s time to expand your TV experience beyond the limits of basic cable and explore all that satellite TV has to offer.

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