Renewable energy has become a realistic, practical and viable energy option. There are many people whose perceptions have changed and who are also prepared to push the envelope when it comes to supporting efforts to develop and adopt renewable energy sources in light of concerns about rising fossil fuel prices, the fact that that one day these may run out. and the detrimental effects that these fossil fuels have on the state of our environment.

As a result of these changing perceptions, governments have begun to institute policies and adopt programs that would develop and increase the use of renewable energy sources to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and protect the environment at the same time. On an individual level, people have also begun to take matters into their own hands to support these efforts. Just as people have made the decision to take the initiative and practice recycling garbage at home to clean up the environment, we are currently in a situation where renewable energy options for homes have become a serious consideration. and a viable option for its implementation.

The same forms of renewable energy that governments are harnessing on a large scale to power or address national needs are also available to homeowners in smaller versions. The idea is to take an existing viable solution, i.e. renewable energy sources such as tidal and wave power machines that harness energy from the oceans, or wind/hydro turbines that are typically used in coastal areas or on mountaintops. , and turn them into a version suitable for your home, backyard (as long as your garden is a viable and reasonable size), or farm. The same applies to solar energy, which can be harnessed by installing solar panels. These options are varied and available to homeowners who prefer to use renewable energy.

Several people have already gone out and done this on their own initiative. In certain areas, communities have also pooled resources to use renewable energy sources for their power needs, especially if they are off the national power grid and in remote areas. However, there are people who have hesitated to carry out this initiative due to financial considerations. There is a perception among some people that installing a renewable energy source in their homes or farms is an expensive proposition. Fortunately, that is not the case and there are technologies and equipment that make this a very practical and cost-effective option. Among those options are:

  • Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels generate electricity from the sun’s energy. These solar panels are suitable for many homes as they only require daylight rather than direct sunlight. A house with a south, southeast, or southwest roof that does not have shade would be suitable for a solar technology system.
  • Solar thermal panels are different from photovoltaic panels in that they collect energy from the sun and use it to heat water. The panels run alongside conventional boilers. Solar power can generate up to 65% of a home’s electricity and reduce carbon emissions by more than a ton.
  • Biomass systems burn wood (pellets, chips, and logs) to power heating systems and boilers. Homeowners can use stoves or wood stoves as a biomass appliance to heat a room, if a complete system is not a viable option.
  • Micro-CHP systems replace the conventional boiler system. The system burns gas to heat water and produces electricity at the same time.
  • Ground source heat pumps, also known as ground source heat pumps, extract heat from the ground. They are capable of extracting heat through pipes buried in the ground. This system heats water from radiators and can be used by homeowners in underfloor heating systems.
  • Air source heat pumps extract heat from the air outside the building. The pumps use the heat to heat the air inside the house, heat the water in radiators and in underfloor heating systems.
  • Micro hydropower is a combination of pressure and flow of water. This system is like a smaller version of industrial hydroelectric power plants. If there is a fast running water source such as a stream or river in your yard then you can install a small turbine to generate electricity.
  • Wind micropower has similar technology to wind farms, which are now becoming common. The system harnesses wind power through small turbines to generate electricity, but requires space for the turbine, so it would not be suitable for small gardens.

All of these renewable energy sources are efficient enough to supply much of the energy needs of the average home. Some power companies will even buy any surplus power produced from you at a preferential rate. For example, in the case of solar energy, you can use as much energy as you need during the day. Any surplus power will be transferred to the power company overnight. Any owner can make energy changes that help the environment, however small, like changing a boiler. For many years, people overlooked wood for fuel. However, recent studies show that wood is an excellent source of renewable energy. Modern wood-fired boilers offer high efficiency with low emissions.

Wood is a carbon neutral fuel with little or no net emissions of carbon or corrosive gases. It is even possible to convert old coal-fired boilers into wood-fired boilers, using logs, wood chips and pellets as fuel sources. As a bonus, homeowners can spread waste potash around the yard as a fertilizer. Opting for a renewable energy source like wood (biomass) forms a chain reaction as you help the environment in other ways. It encourages forest management, the establishment of densely planted short-rotation coppice plantations, and the enhancement of forest biodiversity. Fossil fuels will eventually run out, and until then, the cost of oil, gas, and coal is likely to rise. A renewable energy source offers several benefits. In addition to making a positive contribution to the environment, you can save money. However, it is important to make an informed decision when adopting a renewable energy source to power your home.

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