By relying on your inner physician, a happily married couple, Drs. Ina and Glenn Nozek, offer their personal recipe, which is actually a self-recipe, for success and happiness. Through a series of chapters and exercises, the Nozeks explain to readers how to improve their lives in many ways, and it all comes down to listening to what they call “their inner doctor,” which could be interpreted as intuition or insight. of what is right for you. Not everyone is the same, so not everyone will find that eating the same foods will make you healthier or that pursuing the same type of career will make you successful. But with the advice the Nozeks provide in this book, you can discover what you can do to improve your life.

Trusting Your Inner Doctor takes a holistic approach to happiness by encouraging the reader to look at all aspects of your life and find the balance between them. As retired chiropractors who also operated the Lifeline Center for Holistic Health in New Jersey and are now leaders at Isagenix International, a health product they have found to have amazing results, the Nozeks feel maintaining their physical health is a top priority, but they Also understand that physical health is not just about nutrition and exercise; it should also encompass your emotional and mental health.

Like all of us, the Nozeks have had their struggles. They have experienced the ups and downs of running a business and starting a family, along with personal struggles. Ina is very frank about her battles with her weight, and both Glenn and Ina struggled to quit smoking, a habit that they knew, especially as future health experts, they had to break, difficult as it was. In short, they are human, and that makes them capable of relating to the rest of us, and their warmth and desire to help others is reflected in these pages.

The problem most people have with making realistic and lasting changes in their lives is knowing where to start. The Nozeks address that topic at the beginning of the book by talking about the importance of believing in yourself. Usually, it’s our fears and doubts about ourselves that keep us from pursuing our dreams and succeeding. The Nozeks share their own personal stories of how they and others learned to believe in themselves. One theme in these early chapters that I found especially effective was “Scale of Engagement.” It helps you understand how committed you are to making lasting changes, and ultimately encourages you to make a promise to yourself to stay committed and succeed.

Another powerful chapter talks about the need to separate ourselves from negativity. I agree with the Nozeks in their defense of not watching the news because almost all of it is irrelevant to our lives anyway, and most of it is aimed at arousing fear in people. We need to separate ourselves from anything that causes us fear and anxiety or makes us negative and doubtful, including what we read, watch, and hear and the toxic people around us.

Another chapter focuses on the power of affirmations, something I strongly believe in. I loved Ina’s story of how she used affirmations to not only audition for Wheel of Fortune, but actually got on the show and won! Drawing on her own experiences, she teaches us how to create our own affirmations to develop a mindset that is ready to accomplish whatever we decide to focus on.

Once we’ve worked to separate our true, powerful, and passionate selves from what’s holding us back in life, we’re ready to discover our “why.” The exercises that follow each chapter are especially helpful in discovering what we really want in life and in creating the necessary steps to achieve it. The Nozek guide us on how to learn to be honest with ourselves about what we want so as not to give up or compromise our dreams or our integrity.

Other chapters focus on more traditional health issues, but even these chapters are relevant to trusting your inner physician. The Nozek point out that we are all biochemically different, so while it is important for us to eat nutritious food, we must also pay attention to how our body reacts to different foods. And just as we need to separate ourselves from the negative and toxic people in our lives, we need to separate our bodies from the toxins in our food and in our environment. A chapter of the book is devoted to the topic of cleaning: how to find a reliable product to use and the benefits that can be achieved. Another chapter is dedicated to stress management.

But perhaps best of all is the message of balance, which means that while we must stop listening to the world and listen to ourselves, that does not mean that we become self-absorbed, but rather that we become better people who will also help. others on the same path to greater happiness. The Nozeks model that in their marriage by serving one another. They have vowed to be happily married, and it must be working because they have been married since 1988. I loved their advice on the importance of giving and how it relates to marriage:

“When it comes to relationships, being a donor is absolutely critical to success. On our wedding day, back in 1988, I will never forget what Glenn’s dad told us: ‘Marriage is not a 50/50 proposal. It is a 70/30, and if each gives 70 percent, it will come out 50/50. ‘What I learned later, as we continue to spend many years of successful marriages together, is that it is not even 70/30, but 100 / 100 Every couple should give 100 percent When every couple is a giver, that’s when the marriage can Be truly successful In any relationship, being generous and giving 100 percent of yourself is what it takes. Whether it’s with your friends, business partners, family, or any relationship where you want success, that’s what it takes. “

Wherever you are in your life, whether you want to make drastic life changes or are just looking for some advice on how to make small changes for the better, trusting your internal doctor will give you numerous ideas to improve your life. and it will provide you with the tools to transform those ideas into your reality. It’s time to start trusting the prescription that your inner doctor has been trying to give you from the beginning. After all, if you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust?

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