Thinking of redecorating your place in an elegant style? Do you need a luxurious and affordable environment in your place? Marble tiles may be just the option you are looking for, giving your interiors a natural classy feel.

Marble tiles are those, extracted from natural mountains around the world, which give the floor a natural beauty with a rich appearance. Marble materials have been used for centuries for residential flooring and today are even used for bathroom flooring and more. There are advantages and disadvantages to these tile flooring methods.

Let’s see what are all the advantages of these marble tiles as a flooring option.

Durable and long lasting: Marbles are naturally hard and strong. When the floor is made with tiles in the form of marble, additional resistance will be obtained with the dolomite.

Style and attractiveness: It tends to make the space, where it is ugly, look elegant and rich. They are available in different colors and even mixed colors giving you more choice.

Unique and Natural: Each marble tile comes in a unique texture and empowers the natural mountain feeling inside. Your floors will stand out and be unique.

Heat Absorption: Marbles are excellent conductors of heat, keeping you comfortable and warm in any weather condition.

It is recommended to save an extra box of tiles for future maintenance, so that if any damage occurs, you can replace the damaged block with these extras. This process will be favorable for maintaining the color scheme of your floor and will avoid the need to replace the entire floor with a new one, thus it will also be cost effective.

Let us now look at the cons of marble tiles.

Scratches and Stains – In the wrong situations and without maintenance, these floors can be sensitive to scratches and stains. Scratches are most often seen on highly polished marble floors. Since these marbles are basic in nature, they are highly reactive to an acidic substance such as certain foods and cleaning products.

Porous: Being natural stones, they are also porous. Marbles absorb water and therefore stains are most often seen due to spillage of colorful liquid substances. This scam can be prevented by using a surface penetrating sealer applied on the bottom and a protective barrier coat on top of these tiles.

Slippery – If they are highly polished, they tend to be slippery in nature. Accidents can occur due to the spillage of even a small amount of slippery substances. If these tiled floors are left rough naturally, they become unbearable to walk on, especially if there are any injuries.

Cost – Marble tile is more expensive than other flooring methods, as it is a more elegant and highly sought-after form of flooring material.

Marble tiles can be the perfect choice for your interior space, be it an office floor, bedrooms or even bathrooms, to make it more natural and elegantly luxurious.

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