For years, I have been studying the life stories of great people and their success secrets. I was able to identify their related common traits that made them stand out from the rest. From the greatest writers, philosophers, and leaders to the rich, powerful, and famous people who are regarded as the “masters of the universe,” I have enjoyed reading your remarkable biographies.

Basic familiarity with the prominent qualities and talents of these people gives us inspiration: the great American Abraham Lincoln, for example, reminds us of their courage and perseverance; Einstein’s brilliant idea; The great philosophy of Confuscius and the wisdom of King Solomon are simply amazing; the overflowing confidence of Muhammad Ali and the passion and hard work of Manny Pacquiao; Bill Gates’ hard drive determination why it was successful; the ability to speak powerfully about Kennedy; the golden voice of Elvis; the unshakable attitude of the British bulldog Churchill; the powerful leadership of Napoleon and the conquering command of the great Caesar; The awesome business management skills of Donald Trump, Jerry Jones and the Billionaires Club to accumulate financial wealth; These are few to mention among the thousands of great, powerful, rich and famous people in the world who made a difference. They made remarkable things happen in their lives, as well as in our lives.

Do they really have secrets?

If we are to magnify and analyze each of its characteristics, we can find common and inspiring qualities from them. These are the key points by which they stand out and, through them, we can also learn. In this way, we can acquire a better direction of the road where they have passed. Here are a few to mention:

One is perseverance. This is integrated with patience, courage, and perseverance to endure. One needs to know how to wait no matter how long it may take and no matter what happens. You also need to know how to stay still, overcome your fear, and persist through thick and thin. Patience, courage, and perseverance are keys to perseverance as you face obstacles, trials, and pain to overcome. Perseverance brings out the best in a person. It will test how strong it is, as if it were thrown into a fire. With its gradual decrease in defects, it will be polished to the finest gold. Perseverance made Abraham Lincoln the greatest American president in history.

Idea, philosophy and wisdom also prevail. Wise ideas and principles are part of the lives of great and successful people. Words of wisdom and brilliant philosophy of life provide direction that leads one to a very safe path. It serves as a lamp to one’s feet as he walks into the shadows of life.

Also, great things come from a small idea and a wise principle that makes one a great achiever. The creation of the atomic bomb and the invention of the airplane, for example, grew out of simple principles. The biggest secrets of billionaires are their well-kept principles, ideas and wisdom that they have been applying in a real situation.

Now, what is the secret of the best boxer in the world, today?

It is passion and hard work. Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao has these commanding qualities that made him the best fighter in the world today. Passion involves mixed emotions, including burning desire, enthusiasm, and love for doing things. When passion is integrated with diligence to accomplish a task, the result is excellence. This is Manny Pacquiao’s biggest secret. His passion for boxing combined with his hard work in training has transformed him from a tough amateur boxer into the best boxer on the planet. In his tough workouts, he seems to never work because he has a passion to do so. He loves sports so much that he never feels the boredom and stress of defining his career at greater heights. He practices boxing as if he is playing his favorite game. In short, enjoy what you do.

Well, it’s just her big secret. But what really is the main, the biggest secret of Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao?

Surprisingly, the answer is simple. Believe in yourself and believe! in God. This is your biggest secret. These are the main ingredients that you combine with hard work and passion. It is a perfect combination of forces that turns into megawatt power. It is the whole recipe that makes Manny Pacquiao the most refined fighter. With him, he made things possible breaking through thick and thin. Many thought it couldn’t be done, but it did!

Becoming the only boxer in history to win 7 world titles in different weight divisions is a remarkable feat. Now he belongs to the top elite, the greatest boxers of all time like Ali and Robinson.

Manny Pacquiao believes in himself. Believe it is a miracle, a force of nature. Believe in your natural talents. Believes in God. Recognize the Giver of your gifts. Honor and recognize GOD.

In short, his faith in himself, his faith in GOD, his passion and hard work fused into one, has become a very powerful force that caused Pacquiao to perform a seemingly impossible feat. A feat for which his enemies, particularly the Mayweathers, could not believe him but accused him of using illegal drugs, such as steroids.

The Mayweathers don’t believe in GOD. What they only believe are drugs.

But for Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao, what he only believes is GOD. This is what makes Manny unique and special among the greats. A boxer who recognizes that GOD exists. A man who shows people that there is a living GOD. The only elite boxer who recognizes that his special talent is given to him by GOD.

Manny “Pacman” is truly the best fighter in the world today. He has the greatest secret power of all time: GOD.

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