The website lacks information about the company, what it offers, and why people should choose it.

Perhaps this is one of the biggest mistakes because the moment a web page loads, users will have an impression within 0.05 seconds. Even if everything else is correct, when users can’t see what they want or need, they’ll hit the back button, especially when they’re in the B2B space.

About 46% of potential customers leave immediately if they don’t see what the company offers. The website should at least have a clear display of the company’s products/services, as well as elements that can earn the trust of potential customers, such as awards, testimonials, and industry affiliates.

The website takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Most people get impatient every time they make a purchase in physical stores, but especially when they buy online, which is activated by the “back” button. Consumers don’t like to wait long for anything, so a website should always load fast.

By fast, I don’t mean less than 10 or even 5 seconds, as 47% of users expect a page to load in a maximum of 2 seconds. The percentage is higher (53%) among mobile phone users.

The font sizes on the website are too small to see and therefore not easy to read.

It’s not good for viewers to squint every time they read text on a website. For many Internet users, it is just a waste of time trying to read such nonsense.

A commonly seen flaw in website design is text that is difficult to read due to font size.

Body text should be larger than 14px and in Sans Serif font, which is more readable and compatible with all types and sizes of devices. When viewers need to squint just to read the text of a website on a mobile device, then this issue should be discussed with the web designer.

There are several links on the website that lead to other browser windows.

This allows users to have a bad experience when using the website. Even if users want to leave the site, they can’t see a back button that they can go back to. Another time waster is opening multiple browser windows at once, which makes browsing frustrating, especially when using a mobile device. Furthermore, this consumes bandwidth, slows down users’ device and ruins their online experience.

There are social media icons at the top of the website.

This issue, which is common to most websites, encourages users to leave the site immediately and could also be distracting. When they migrate to social media, they may scroll back and forth and may never return to the website. Therefore, it is better to place the icons anywhere except at the top. These can be placed on the side, in the middle or at the bottom.

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