When trying to conceive, it’s common to wonder every minute if you’re pregnant or not. And it can be especially the case when you have undergone a medical intervention, such as IUI. Pregnancy symptoms are what many women crave in the two weeks to wait after an IUI. Let’s take a look at some symptoms that are common to experience in early pregnancy.

It is advisable to keep in mind that many of these indicators do not appear for all women, even when they are pregnant. That’s why it’s very important that you take a pregnancy test in a couple of weeks, even if you don’t show any of these signs.

One more thing to remember as you read these clues: Some of them are also similar to PMS. Some women who have just had an IUI will start to worry a lot because they think they are getting ready to start their next menstrual cycle when, in fact, the symptoms of pregnancy resemble those of PMS. So, keeping all of this in mind, here are the top ten clues that you might be pregnant:

10. Darkening Areolas: This one looks really random, and can be hard to spot unless you know your body really well. However, if the area around your nipples starts to darken, it could mean your body is preparing to feed a baby.

9. Food cravings: Hormonal changes cause food cravings in many women. Just think about what you normally eat during your period/PMS! Many women experience cravings for certain foods when they are first pregnant, but you need to be careful here, as cravings can also indicate that your body is low on nutrients.

8. Backaches: Backaches don’t just happen to women with a big baby belly. In fact, they can show up during early pregnancy and stick around for most of the next nine months.

7. Headaches – This is another common symptom of hormonal changes in women, which is why many women get headaches around the time their periods start.

6. Drowsiness or fatigue: Again, many people think that pregnant women would simply get tired when carrying a nine-pound baby, but in reality, fatigue is a very common symptom for women who are early in their pregnancies. .

5. Sore or heavy breasts: This can be a very early symptom due to hormonal changes and changes in the way blood flows when you are pregnant. Sometimes women notice this change within days of conception.

4. Cramps: Yes, this can actually be a symptom of pregnancy and unless you have really terrible cramps after IUI, you shouldn’t worry. Sometimes women get cramps as soon as the egg implants in the uterine wall, and sometimes the cramps can be caused by the uterus already starting to stretch.

3. Nausea: Sometimes newly pregnant women don’t experience morning sickness this early in the pregnancy, but if you start getting motion sickness or something similar when that’s out of the ordinary for you, that could be a problem. hint that you are pregnant.

2. Swelling: Get used to not being able to get into your jeans now! Even if you don’t have a baby bump for months, early pregnancy can cause hormonal adjustments that leave you feeling bloated for a while. The same problem with bloating can also translate to a problem with constipation.

1. Difference in your period – This may seem obvious if we are talking about missing your period, but sometimes women can think they are having a period when in fact they are spotting due to implantation and early pregnancy. Light spotting isn’t a cause for concern if it doesn’t last long, but if your period is much lighter or shorter than usual, break out that pregnancy test.

Good luck!

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