A man and his penis are the best of friends. That’s why when a man finds dry skin on the shaft of his penis, he can feel a little more than uncomfortable; he can become anxious worrying about what is causing his delicate skin to become scaly. Fortunately, most causes of dry penile skin are harmless and easily remedied. It may take a few days, but the skin can become supple and smooth again with a few tips.

Let’s start with the symptoms of dry skin on the penile shaft. Obviously, the skin is dry! It may also be scaly, peeling, or cracked and rough. There may also be a loss of sensation or, conversely, pain when anything comes into contact with the skin. Redness and darkening of the skin can also accompany dry penile skin.

Now, let’s talk about the causes and how to treat. Here are some of the most reported causes of dry skin on the penile shaft and how to treat them:

1) He’s got the skinny jean blues – Pants, underwear or shorts that are too tight can cause chafing, which can irritate the delicate skin on the penis, causing it to become dry and rough. The solution? Loosen up! Swap the European fit for a flattering straight leg and give man’s best friend some room to breathe and hang out. This will not only reduce friction against the muzzle, but will also keep the area airy, keeping the penis cool and dry.

2) Strong, Scented Cleaners (aka “The Hatchet Effect”) – Sometimes smelling six layers deep of Drakkar Noir is not a good thing. Ignore commercials from men promising various attractiveness claims with “manly” smelly body washes. Instead, use something gentle and natural for the body and especially the delicate skin on the penis. Read labels and stay away from harsh soaps that contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), bleach, polypropylene, and triclosan.

3) Allergies — AAllergies to lotions, condoms, spermicides, laundry detergents, fabrics, or other personal care products have been known to cause dry skin on the penile shaft. Complementary allergy symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, wheezing, and watery eyes. Take a Benadryl and wash the area with lukewarm water. Use a topical cream if you’re looking for immediate relief.

4) Could be a candidate- Candida, also known as yeast infections, can cause not only dry skin on the shaft of the penis, but can also lead to an irritated rash, swelling around the head of the penis, thick smelly discharge under the foreskin, and white patches on the penis. the skin. Don’t even think about sex during this time and just peeing can be excruciating. Use an over-the-counter antifungal cream on the entire affected area (ask your pharmacist for help) until all symptoms are gone. Also, declare the area a “no activity” zone until the infection is completely cleared as well.

5) Dry off as you go – Whether with just your hand or with a partner, prolonged intimate contact without adequate lubrication can cause a man to suffer a nasty friction burn resulting in dry penile skin. In the future, use lube! To get back on your feet, call a sex sabbatical and then moisten your penis with a specially formulated penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven to be safe and gentle on skin.). Rich in moisturizers and emollients like vitamin E and shea butter, this type of cream is made to soothe dry skin and repair it.. Other vitamins like A, C and D are an added blessing as they are known to soften and rejuvenate the skin, helping dry penile skin to recover quickly. All men should make this step part of their daily hygiene habits!

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