Just imagine the amazing and exciting changes on the horizon for the future of electricity. Here are some of these changes that you might enjoy in the near future.

What’s in a wire?

That’s how it is. Not only will your internet be wireless, your electricity will be too. Imagine your entire home completely without wires or wires. How realistic is this idea?

A group of students and their professor at MIT’s Institute of Nanotechnologies for Soldiers conducted a wireless electricity experiment. They call it WiTricity. Initial tests resulted in lighting an incandescent bulb from more than 2 meters away without using any wires. Imagine being able to place any device anywhere in your house, without thinking about where the plugs are. This version of the future of electricity is just around the corner according to the results of this new experiment.

you are in control

Yes. You, the consumer, will control your energy supply. You, not the electric company, will decide how you want the electricity supply to your home or business. When you’re away from home, your supply will reflect usage, not a required minimum as decided by the power company.

During the business day, your household supply will only reflect what you are actually using. We’re not sure what else we’ll be able to control; but the future of electricity will require consumers to control the electricity they use and how they use it.

clean and green

Did you know that the production of electricity has a by-product of huge amounts of carbon dioxide? The future of electricity will have to become clean and green. The vast majority is currently being produced with coal and natural gas. Concern for the environment will eventually require electricity to be produced from renewable energy sources. Those changes will lead to clean and green electricity.

all electric

Just visit the stores in Akihabara (also known as Akihabara Electric Town) in Tokyo, Japan to see for yourself. Not only will your car be electric, but so will your pants, shoes, and shirt. Remember what electronics weren’t available just a few years ago. Think about some of these futuristic items that are even available now. Not your electric toothbrush?

Say goodbye to interruptions

With all these new electric toys “connected” to our wireless electricity, consumers will become even more dependent on a reliable supply of electricity. Continuous supply is what the future of electricity promises us if we learn to depend on alternative energy solutions.

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