Many women want to know, “what is appropriate dating behavior for a christian woman? Are there really dos and don’ts of dating while being saved?” If you’re even pondering this, I’d like to give you a hug and high five personally just for asking this question! Your curiosity around this theme simply means: you care about two things: your relationship with God and your relationship with your friend.

Unfortunately, not enough women think that way. Many believe that being a Christian does not necessarily mean that you have to have standards that differ from the world when it comes to dating. “Why can’t I just go out and have fun?” they say. While there is nothing wrong with having a good time, I sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that firm standards for your relationship are a must. Why? Because as God-fearing women, everything we do must be upheld to a godly standard. We must always consider where we are going, what we are doing, what we are looking at, and who we are mixing with.

For example: being in the wrong atmosphere with a man can easily turn things in the wrong direction. If he’s inviting you to watch a movie that you know is full of inappropriate scenes and at 10pm, your red flag should go up immediately. For many women, this exact scenario has resulted in a teary-eyed ride home to a sentence that begins, “Lord, what have I done?” I am sharing with you today how you can avoid such pitfalls by recognizing what is and what is not appropriate.

Even if you enjoy wholesome movies with that special someone, you may want to watch them during the day and in an appropriate setting, not alone. Be honest with yourself. If the day you have scheduled to see a movie you feel Really attracted to him, don’t do it. You don’t want to set yourself up for failure. remember the writing James 4:7what does it say “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

What about the romance?

Romance seems to be the biggest question when it comes to dating. Can we have romance? Should we want romantic treatment from guys when we’re single? Well, here’s the scoop, ladies.

If you are dating a guy who is romantic by nature; Since he constantly does the sweetest things to win your affection, make sure his intentions are pure. Okay, some guys are just naturally romantic. You know, the guys who know how to shower their women with fancy gifts, dozens of roses, chocolates, bears, jewelry, I mean, the works. And that’s sweet. But again, make sure his intentions are not to scam you in inappropriate situations. Most guys are smarter than we give them credit for!

And, if you’re in a vulnerable moment and he’s showering you with these beautiful displays of love and affection, you can easily get caught up in that and feel like you owe him something. I urge you not to feel that way. Instead, say thank you. Be firm to a standard of purity in your relationship with him, and make sure he knows he can give you any gifts you want, but he won’t bow down to any inappropriate thanks.

The green Zone:

I like to call the Green Zone fun and safe places to consider for great healthy enjoyment. You don’t have to go to church every Friday night with your partner. There are many appropriate places for Christian dating.

Consider taking a leisurely walk in the park. This is the type setup that makes the conversation easy. No surround sound interruptions. No chatting between strangers in the background. Just the two of you with a chance to get to know each other better. And you know how we women love to talk!

And if you don’t like outdoor activities, consider an indoor activity like indoor golf. Enjoy a nice cup of coffee or pastry in a cafeteria. Take a walk around the mall if you like to shop, that way you can give her some “tips or tips” as I like to call them.

There are plenty of other places where you don’t drink or hang out in clubs or casinos. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t automatically make everything okay or right for Christian dating.

The Red Zone:

The color red is used for many reasons and they are usually for warning signs like stop sign. In this case, the Red zone they are for places and situations you should consider avoiding.

While people think that going to clubs is harmless, I disagree. Having experienced that lifestyle on my own, I can tell you firsthand that there is nothing that can help or improve your relationship. It is full of drinking, smoking, vulgar music and lewd dancing. And really ask yourself this. Why would you want to take your man to a place where women are on the prowl?

In fact, many will try to seduce him to your face. For obvious reasons, mark this as Red Zone status if it ever comes up in conversation. The same goes for bars, casinos and anywhere else where temptation will follow you to the door.

It’s safe to say that you can of course have a quiet dinner, even if you’re accompanied by a smooth jazz band. But remember what your standards are. It’s far better to go straight home than to regret your engagement the next morning.

Always uphold the standard of purity and holiness in everything you do, including dating. That way, you will have a clear path to love, without lust taking over you.

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