Being active and staying fit is important if you want to have a healthy body and be in good physical shape. It is really a good feeling to run in the morning or afternoon and burn all the calories and fat in your body.

When you exercise, it’s important to always rehydrate, which is why sports and energy drink spills are becoming very popular today. These drinks contain electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals that help replenish body fluids lost through sweating, while adding some helpful nutrients.

Energy drinks can sometimes cause problems too, but not on our bodies but on the carpet. Accidents are sometimes unavoidable and therefore while you are downing a bottle of energy drink you could accidentally drop it and cause a major mess on your carpet. This spill can result in an unsightly stain that you should try to remove immediately. If you don’t know how to do it, follow the guide below to find out.

1. Eliminating the spilled energy drink on the carpet is the first step. You can’t remove the ugly stain it has caused if you don’t clean up the spilled liquid first. Use a clean sponge and slowly rub the affected area to absorb and extract the energy drink from the mat.

2. Now you should turn your attention to preparing a cleaning solution that will help remove the stain from the carpet. It is easy to do if you know how. Simply mix one part vinegar with four parts warm water to create a cleaning agent. Apply this solution on the stain and let it sit for five minutes.

3. Take a clean white cloth and slowly blot the energy drink stain on your carpet. Keep doing this until all of the stain is removed. Drying will help remove the energy drink stain, but it may take some time until you can fully remove it. Just be patient and keep doing this step until you get the results you want.

4. Once the stain is gone, the last step is to remove any residual cleaning solution from the carpet. You can do this by pouring a cup of cold water on the area that you cleaned just now. Then use clean towels or rags to dry everything before you can use your rug one more time.

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