Discover the benefits of white tea! This tea comes from the shoots and tender leaves of the Camellia sinus plant, cultivated in China. There are four main varieties of white tea: silver needle (Bai Hao Yinzhen), white peony (Bai Mudan), long-lasting brow (Shou Mei), and tribute brow (Gong Mei). The most popular and best of these is Silver Needle (Bai Hao Yinzhen) white tea. White tea is a clear, calorie-free liquid beverage. It was the preferred tea of ​​Chinese royalty. Today, it is widely available throughout the world. It has a delicate, light, slightly sweet taste.

BENEFITS OF WHITE TEA FOR THE SKIN: Antibacterial, Contains antioxidants, High content of catechins, Protects from ultraviolet light

When white tea is used in skin care products such as soaps, lotions, or creams, it can provide numerous benefits! Its antioxidant benefits help reverse the visible signs of aging (fine lines, wrinkles, discolorations, and blemishes). Powerful antioxidants fight free radicals that can cause sun-damaged or prematurely aged skin. Protects the skin against ultraviolet light, preventing sun damage. Helps eliminate toxic substances more effectively, cleaning the body from the inside out. The foods you eat and drink can affect the condition of your skin. It is important to maintain a healthy eating and drinking regimen throughout life.

When white tea is used to make homemade soap, especially with goat’s milk, it provides a host of skin care benefits! This homemade soap contains the benefits of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K along with antioxidants! It’s also a naturally antibacterial homemade soap! Artisan experts confirm that goat’s milk is a main ingredient that makes the difference between a regular, commercial soap and a miraculous luxury item! This homemade soap will keep your skin close to its natural pH level, unlike harsh commercial soaps, which can strip the skin’s acid mantle. This explains the uncomfortable, itchy, and tight skin sensation that many people experience after bathing. This has been the basis, for the claim, that soap should not be used on the face. This concern disappears when using goat’s milk soap! You can have smooth, calm and hydrated skin without greasy side effects.


If you are interested in learning how to make soap yourself, learn from a master soapmaker. This will save you time, money and energy. He or she can walk you through step-by-step soap making instructions. You will be able to follow homemade soap recipes and make recipes yourself! Learn about the best soap making equipment and soap making supplies you can use. It may take time and effort during the learning process, but it’s worth it in the long run for maximum skin care benefits!

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