
Info 101 – Family Money Management Tips

With all the talk in January about taking steps to kick bad habits, engage in healthier habits, and, in all things, do the best we can, don't overlook money matters. Now, as the recession deepens and unemployment rises (currently at 6.8% here in Montgomery County), it is more important than ever to teach our children, and remind ourselves, that we

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Legal Law

Paralegal Studies Careers – Providing Critical Legal Services

The dizzying excitement of a paralegal or legal services career is dramatically portrayed on popular and syndicated television shows such as "Boston Legal" and "Law & Order." Meanwhile, local and national news, as well as court and justice television shows, have provided coverage of high-profile trials and court proceedings that have made major headlines in recent years. With such easy

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Lifestyle Fashion

Parental Obsession and the Dangers of Belly Button Addiction

It is well documented that the close bond that develops between parents and children is a driving force of life, its legendary power to protect and protect has made history throughout the centuries. One reads of parents rescuing their children from burning cars or sinking boats, finding almost superhuman strength to lift many times their body weight, or surviving underwater

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Real Estate

Raft People – A Post Apocalyptic Adventure

What is Raft People about? Raft People, by author ML Katz, is a story of how a global catastrophe, like rising sea levels, affects a few average people in a Texas Gulf Coast suburb. Having been through some disasters, I know that there is a period of time when the average person just has to "shelter in" and fend for

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The ergonomic attributes of CCTV installation and surveillance methods

Today's world has been completely revolutionized as the most advanced digital ecosystem, in this particular transitional phase, security often seems to be a challenging component in itself. For most business entities, be it personal property or business property, in this particular transition, the most viable option before us is to persistently monitor any unexpected incidents that occur between modern thieves

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