YOUR BODY after 65 Years of Age

Well, if you’ve reached 65, you’ve probably already noticed changes in your body. It is almost inevitable that we have sagging, wrinkles, cramps and skin problems.

TIP: Hairs can appear where and when you least expect them:

This is more of a male problem, but not entirely. Out of nowhere, a 2-inch hair sticks out from your ears or eyebrows. Those hairs weren’t there yesterday, were they? It’s a mystery. So, pull them out with tweezers, or cut them off with small scissors, or get one of those little battery-operated hair clippers that stick to your nose or ears. But whatever you do, please cut them out. It’s hard to carry on a conversation with someone when you’re faced with a 2-3 inch hair sticking out of someone’s nostril, eyebrow, or nose.

TIP: Give your spouse or someone close permission to give you the hair report:

It would be great if you had someone who could safely and kindly point out to you that you have strange hair growing on your chin, or wherever. Try to find that person and don’t be offended when I point it out.

TIP: Go to the hairdresser at least once a month, if not more often:

Women are generally much better at grooming themselves than men, especially when it comes to the hair on their heads. Men, do you realize how bad the back of your neck looks with all that curly gray hair? He is not sexy or attractive in any way. If you can’t get your spouse to give you a quick shave to the nape of the neck once a week, you’ll soon start looking nasty.

TIP: Men really need to shave Daily:

Even if you’re retired, unless you’re a mountain man or on an extended camping trip with your friends, shave every day. That stubble isn’t attractive to look at, and it will give you something to do every day. (It even makes your face more kissable.)

TIP: Brown spots, growths and skin tags magically appear:

If you miss spots, growths, and skin tags, then I hope you’re grateful. Your dermatologist will usually remove the skin tags, or you can go on YOUTUBE and see different ways to do it at home. But if you have brown spots and crusty growths, common in people of some cultures, you’ll either have to live with them or see a plastic surgeon. Some beauty products are available to lighten some brown spots, but you could spend a king’s fortune on creams and potions to remove wrinkles and blemishes and not see much of a change. There are some products that have helped people with brown spots, but I would suggest seeing a beautician for a consultation.

A good dermatologist is worth his weight in gold. Not only can they keep your skin cancer-free, but they can also offer advice on any skin problems you may have, and the dermatologist can guide you to some helpful solutions. As we get older, most of us could benefit from seeing a dermatologist at least once a year, but I suggest twice.

HINT: We all crinkle:

It’s hard to look in the mirror and see your mom’s or grandma’s face looking back at you. Your wrinkles don’t have to define you. You could spend a lot of money getting plastic surgery to have a youthful looking face, but sadly most of us can see that “some work was done.” If it makes you feel better about yourself and you can afford it, then go for it. If not, live with your classy wrinkles. You earned them, but don’t wear them as a badge of honor. Let people see your heart and loving personality clearer than your wrinkles.

TIP: Prepare for a little flab:

Most people can’t escape the sagging armpits, sagging breasts, and buttocks that happen as we get older. It can keep you in shape, and it can help you a bit, but it also develops a little above-the-belt or below-the-belt bag for most people. Weight changes can have some effect on flab and bags, but this is a very, very common phenomenon for people as they age, regardless of their weight.

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