“Celebrity” the word itself explains it all. We all admire, adore and imitate our favorite celebrity once in a lifetime because we want to be like them. Perfect physique, dress, makeup and oh! We continue to admire those photographs for days. Sometimes we get so obsessed that images become a big part of our phone gallery or even our profile photos on social media. The person suddenly becomes an idol more often due to celebrity status. I have rarely seen someone freak out over a non-celebrity. Oh! Not celebrity, it hurts somewhere, right? Why? Why do they attract and enchant us so much? What happens to them?

1. We envy them:

We admit it, we actually are. Yes, that’s my favorite celebrity, but I wish I had a life like her. The biggest advantage of being a celebrity is a huge amount of money and with money we can conquer the world like not literally, but we can reward ourselves with a better lifestyle. We can buy anything without a second doubt, all those expensive brands that we want and plan to buy one day can be bought in a second.

2. They make us feel good:

Not exactly Cupid’s way, they don’t even know we exist. We try to find a part of us in them and when we come across one that has the same behavior or maybe a story like us, we connect with them right away. They are beginning to matter, and their history inspires us to achieve better achievements on our personal front. They make us feel safe.

3. They are a big part of our culture:

Our culture is heavily influenced by celebrities, their lifestyle, and the movies in which they act. To be sure, there is always a responsibility on their shoulders, as the mass of the public will surely follow them blindly. After all, everything has a cost. With social media and its rampant use, they are everywhere. No need to buy magazines when we can find or like your images on social media. People follow their trends, places, and even accent. Somewhere they create a large part of our changing culture and society.

4. They become our inspiration:

We aspire to be like them by working on our weaknesses to have a better and healthier life. Gym culture has seen a boost due to celebrity culture itself. People exercise with their physique in mind and that helps us lead a much better life.

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