LinkedIn continues to grow and attract more professionals from around the world. Since it was officially launched 12 years ago, the platform has gained 161 million members and counting.

One of the benefits of being on LinkedIn is being able to create a company page. Like Facebook, businesses can use this page as their mini website where they can share updates about their organization and product offerings. It’s a great way to establish your reputation and build trust with existing and potential customers.

A company page can only be found by searching for it through the search box at the top of the page or through the Companies link in the top toolbar. LinkedIn company pages also appear in Google search results.

The best way to use a LinkedIn Company Page is to post regular status updates. You can share news about your company, product launches, promotions, and other news relevant to your specific industry.

Another way to connect with your followers is by sending them messages and links to articles and videos directly. All members can see your updates, share and like them.

What to include on a company page

To make sure your Company Page attracts more people, here’s some important information to include to make sure people interested in getting to know you and your company get the right details from your LinkedIn Page.

Company overview. Please provide a brief description of your company and the employees who work for you. It is also possible to display your company’s blog posts on the Home tab.

company specialties. This is where you include the specific services your business offers. It’s a great way to let people know what you really do. You can simply provide a list of your specialties.

Careers. If you need staff, careers is the section where your job openings will be displayed. You’ll need to purchase a silver or gold career page if you want to add more details about your company culture, feature top performers, and create targeted messaging for potential job seekers.

Exhibition page. You can create a showcase page within your LinkedIn Company Page. Use this to present your products or services. Note that you can create a showcase page for each of your products or services and include specific descriptions, features, images, videos, and special offers.

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