I could easily lose weight in my late teens and early twenties. Lots of water and exercise and keeping my calorie total in check was all I really needed to focus on. When I was in my 30s, I gained about 20 pounds. I was working long hours and earning a good salary, so I decided to give Nutrisystem a try. To summarize, the food is not horrible. You avoid hunger and cravings. I didn’t change my exercise routine, which at the time consisted mostly of walking. I lost 4 pounds the first week, and for the next 12 weeks, I lost 1-2 pounds a week. I needed to do some weight training when I was at my target weight to tone up. This regimen worked for me and I was satisfied.

Fast forward ten years. It was deja vu, at least at first. I gained some weight. I started a Nutrisystem program, like before. But, this time, I did not lose weight. In fact, he was winning quite a bit. I noticed that I was gaining water weight around my toes, ankles, and even my midsection. I looked at the sodium amounts and realized that was the problem. They were out of sight. Nutrisystem publishes the sodium you eat daily. “The Nutrisystem Standard Program contains approximately 1,800 mg/day of sodium*.” They add: “Sodium reduction for some people may need less than 1800 mg.”

*Jenny Craig has over 2000 mg.

“Some” individuals?!! As you age, it’s not uncommon for you to start reducing your sodium intake. Some people seem to become more sensitive to it. And, there are those who feel that their blood pressure rises when they eat a large amount of sodium per day.

I have not had to cut out my sodium intake. But most days I only have about 25% to 30% of what Nutrisystem allows you to have. That is a big difference. And if your body is sensitive to salt, you will really feel and see the difference in the results of your diet program.

Effectively managing your salt intake is one of 10 incredibly simple yet powerful steps outlined in a program I created. I developed this out of necessity. I was middle aged. What used to work will no longer work. It took me many years, using a lot of trial and error, before I figured out what would work now. The good thing is that this program is really easy to follow and flexible. This way of eating will work even for people who don’t like to diet or exercise, as well as those who haven’t been able to lose weight otherwise. Last but not least, it doesn’t cost you extra money. You’ll save money you would have spent on Nutrisystem prepackaged foods.

The 10 steps are:

(1) Reduce your salt.

(2) Cut your carbs in half

(3) Eat these vegetables (raw cucumber and celery)

(4) Eat these fruits (Granny Smith apples and white grapefruit)

(5) Drink enough water

(6) Reduce or eliminate certain sweeteners

(7) Evaluate canned foods

(8) Reduce/eliminate dairy intake and avoid bad fats

(9) Give yourself satisfying but smart snacks

(10) walk

Try just one step this week, you decide which one. When you’re ready, add another step! Add another when you feel ready until you take all 10. I think you’ll be very happy with the results! And you may feel that way long before you get to the tenth step!

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