Practicing yoga is a great way to lose weight. Yoga refers to the traditional physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines that one must follow to keep the mind and body in check. This practice originated in India and Southeast Asia. The word ‘Yoga’ comes from Indian Philosophy and means the union of the soul of the individual with the universe. All great for your weight loss program!

Yoga helps you keep fit and tone your body and is an excellent weight loss therapy.

It helps you manage stress, improves flexibility and aids in mental clarity. It evenly tones the body unlike other exercises that can leave skin sagging after sudden weight loss. Yoga can be practiced at any age and keeps the body flexible.

It also aids in natural weight loss through various cleansing techniques like stomach lavage, lung cleansing, colon cleansing, digestive system cleansing techniques, etc. It has various Asans or postures like Tree Pose, Angle Pose, Triangle Pose, Cobra Pose, Camel Pose, Airplane Pose, Child Pose, Cat Pose etc. Even a “wind release pose”!

All of the above poses can be incorporated to tone a particular body part, such as tightening the abdomen, toning the arms and legs, tightening the chest, toning the thighs and hips, slimming the waist, etc.

Pranayama, or the breathing exercise, is an excellent practice for maintaining good health and curing respiratory ailments and other related problems. Meditation and relaxation are other ways to focus on your breathing pattern for a while to achieve mental clarity.

Chromotherapy is another aspect of yoga, where certain diseases are treated through water loaded with sun, oil, etc. Hydrotherapy is another treatment to cure diseases through water. Cold showers are said to dissolve or burn fat and cellulite and aid in weight loss.

A great way to eliminate toxins and dissolve fat is to take a steam bath or sauna, or just a hot foot bath.

Fasting is another way to lose fat. Dicto therapy is an important fat burning regimen where more fruits and vegetables are consumed to change the quality of calories and reduce fat. Fibrous foods like oats or wheat bran are great for detoxifying the digestive system and helping to reduce fat in the body, which ultimately aids in weight loss.

If you learn to apply yoga to your daily life, you will get a long-term solution to the problem of achieving self-control and self-actualization. Without any special equipment you can do exercises that keep you fit, calm your mind and achieve an internally balanced body. All you need to do yoga is a fleece blanket or foam mat.

It is not necessary to be an athlete to practice yoga. If you can learn to stretch your body, then you can reap the full benefits of this wonderful form of exercise. Once you learn it from a trained yogi, you can practice it in the comfort of your own home and it will stay with you for a lifetime.

So do not expect more. Adopt yoga in your life and achieve well-being as well as lose weight.

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