Dubstep is fast becoming one of the most sought after genres of music. It has been incorporated into hip hop, pop, and electronic music, just to name a few. Dubstep can be incorporated into almost any type of music and the question is: why use dubstep on your instruments or scores for artists, television and film? The answer is simply money, fame, and popularity.


It’s much easier to make money on instrumentals that use popular sounds rather than creating a new sound that people have to get used to. I know it sounds like you’re not being original by using sounds that a lot of other people are already using in the industry, but you can still be original by using popular sounds. For example, create your own original track to start with and incorporate dubstep into one of the breaks or bridges. A great dubstep bridge could give your instrumental that non-monotone break it needs to be a great track. Most growers these days don’t even have jumpers anymore. The song’s bridge is meant to be a part that gives listeners a break from the very thing they’ve been listening to for the past few minutes. It’s almost necessary on some songs and being able to create an amazing-sounding original cut will give listeners something extra they weren’t expecting.


Think of Scrillex, for example, he made his name by mixing songs that are already in the industry and mixing them with dubstep. Not everyone will be able to reach Skillex’s level of dubstep capabilities, but learning from someone who has and has been successful may be one of the best things you can do. Scrillex has mixed this type of music with just about every genre on the planet and got huge views for doing so.


The popularity is huge in the music industry. Why do you think they have a genre called “pop”? It’s because it’s popular music. It is the highest paying genre in the music industry other than country music, which is a whole other topic that I will address in future articles. Using popular music ensures that people will listen to it or possibly like it. Like I said before, it’s possible to incorporate popular music or other sounds that people are using and still keep your originality. What hasn’t been done? What music could you mix dubstep with to make an original sounding instrumental? Play around with it a bit and see what you come up with, I bet you’ll be surprised.

Exploring new forms of music can help you become a better and more original producer. To be a producer of many traits and always continue to strive to be better and keep innovating.

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