Some call it the language of God, others call it coincidence but whatever it is, we always receive signals from our universal source helping us to see, hear or speak whatever.
we may be needing at that time. We as humans come to this world, to this place we call earth, to learn and grow from our life lessons. It is said that the older the soul that has incarnated our body, the harsher the life lessons we have chosen to endure. It is in the circumstances of our daily life that we must be awake and alert to the subtle messages that we receive from above. These messages come from a vortex of pure energy, powerful and abundant in every way. We know that we are all energy and that all matter is energy. Therefore, it goes without saying that our thoughts and emotions are very powerful energy. This is precisely the reason why we must be truly aware of our thoughts and the words we speak.

Furthermore, we must be extremely aware of the emotional charge that we put on all of our thoughts.

The emotions we put into our thoughts are much like the lighter used to set fire to the coals, the driver of the car, the main engine of the muscle. Reflect on this; Emotions emitted from our heart center are energetic pulses sent out into the universe. These energy pulses can be negative or positive charges. These energy pulses emitted by us will recede the same. Einstein said that we live in a universe of energy, and we do.

We are so beautifully and perfectly made with such love and devotion that we can only be made in the image of the energy of the source of force majeure. Every human being is a charged energy system. This is part of the cosmic design if you will. Energy is always around us; we are constantly exchanging energy with everyone else. When you share something from the heart with someone you can feel the emotional charge given or received by that person. When two people make love, there is a clear mix of energy between two human beings. We are energy and as such we bring into our reality exactly what we ask for.

It is in this asking that we must realize that there are no coincidences. Let me give you a very personal example; She was in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii at a local bookstore looking for a book to read. I wanted to read a very meaningful book, not just something frivolous or pointless. I wandered aimlessly. Nothing caught my eye, so I sat down in front of a self-help bookshelf. I covered my face with my hands and said, “Please help me find a book made especially for me.” Within seconds, a book fell off the shelf and literally hit me on the head. I jumped up and tried hard to ease the pain! It really hurts! After the pain subsided, I took the book, turned it over to read the title; the title was “Signs and Wonders, Understanding God’s Language.” Wow, ask and you shall receive! All I remember is that while I was asking, I had really put an emotional charge on that request and I got exactly what I wanted.

If you really think about it, there are no coincidences. Was it a coincidence that I asked for the perfect book and it hit me on the head? It just wasn’t. It was the universal source that guided me to read that book. Have you ever had an emotionally charged thought, but then dismissed it only to find that the subject of your thoughts is being talked about? Have you ever been going through a difficult time and then, as if by a miracle, the right person comes into your life and says the right things to help you in that moment?

Time and time again I have been told “your words came to me at the right time, thank you”. It is no coincidence that you are in that teacher’s class listening to what the lecture is about. It’s no coincidence that you’ve lost control and you won’t again.

You may be so caught up in the energy of your ego mind, that you may block yourself from listening or hearing the message, but sooner or later someone else will relay that same message to you again when you are ready to hear it. As the saying goes, “when the student is ready, the teacher will come.” You, in all your amazement, need to realize that what is happening to you is because you have asked for it in some way. Even the bad things. So remember that you made a premortal decision to be here to learn those lessons from all those teachers. The universal source is simply guiding you along your path by giving you signs and wonders. The question is: are you listening?

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