Big budget companies are taking advantage of the success that video marketing brings to their businesses. From research studies, analysis, and statistics, embedding a sales video on a product page has been shown to increase conversion rates by up to 160%. For most eCommerce stores, sales video has improved conversion rates by 20-30%. These numbers are precisely why sales video is such an important part of your sales and marketing campaigns. But what if you’re one of the many online merchants who can’t afford to buy a product demo?

I believe video testimonial is your answer and let me show you the stats why video testimonial alone can increase your conversions just like a sales video.

  • 72% of consumers trust both online reviews and personal recommendations.
  • 52% of consumers are more likely to use a local business if they have positive reviews
  • Consumer reviews are significantly more trustworthy (nearly 12 times more) than descriptions that come from manufacturers.

As salespeople, just like our customers, we want assurance that the method, service, or strategy we are about to invest our time and money in will benefit our company. I am sure that everyone can agree with me that evidence is the most important factor that will determine whether or not we will focus on a particular method. I do article marketing because there is proof that it works, are you willing to invest in PPC ads because it is more successful than interrupted advertising. Evidence for sellers comes in the form of research analysis, forum discussions, and articles. For their clients, that proof comes from the testimonial video.

The testimonial video is actually a cheaper and, in my opinion, more influential sales video than these big budget product demos simply because, since most customers are watching the sales video, they keep in mind that this review It comes from the same people who are trying to sell it to you, however the video testimonial comes from an unbiased and satisfied customer. Many consumers want to hear or read feedback from those who have purchased your product or service. Although of course some viewers are drawn to the sales video and companies take advantage of the fact that in this digital age we now don’t have the patience to click through product descriptions, FAQs and use the form. contact for our answers, it’s all Scooping in the form of a sales video and while spoon-fed the product is promoted with all the perks and benefits that make it a great impulse buy (reduced price tags, bonus offers , special offers). A strategy that companies focus on in this fast-paced world.

Let me show you some more statistics on why the testimonial video would make a great sales video.

  • According to research by Jun Group (2011), videos that are 15 seconds or less are shared 37% more than videos that are between 30 seconds and 1 minute.
  • 26% searched for more information on the topic of the sales video
  • Blog posts that incorporate video attract 3x more inbound links than blog posts without video.
  • The average user spends 88% more time on a website with video.

This inexpensive option has proven that it can attract potential buyers. However, there is a big flaw in this opportunity. You can be quite hit-and-miss if you ask a satisfied customer to do a video testimonial for you, as you may be a little worried about asking/annoying the buyer. If all goes well, they can deliver it well with an amateur testimonial shot from their iPhone. However, you can’t just tell them what to say and ask them to bring up or emphasize a few points that you would like your client to take note of and more importantly, what about body language? What would happen if the client did it in a hurry or did it halfway? While video testimonials can be an incredibly effective method to use during your campaign, they can also destroy your goal of improving conversion rates for certain products. The sales video is meant to attract the buyer, the sales video is meant to be the main factor in driving an impulse purchase, and it is undoubtedly the most influential element in making a purchase.

The testimonial doesn’t necessarily have to be done by the client, but that doesn’t mean you should ask a friend to do it, as this would also be detrimental. Salespeople have an excellent ability to persuade and influence their listener through the use of their body language, gestures, and even their tone of voice. Of course, when a smart and charming salesperson knocks on your door, you immediately realize he is here to take your money, however, the salesperson in the testimonial, his sales video, is instantly likeable, trustworthy, and part of the target audience.

When we see results that a certain method actually works and has been shown to increase conversion rates, we naturally want to go ahead and invest time and money into it for our efforts…especially if our competition is reaping the rewards of sales video. strategy.

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