The digital world has many benefits. However, it has also caused us many health problems because we are not meant to be alone in front of machines that do not interact with others or with nature. Instead, we are meant to be outside without our digital devices.

One of the most rewarding benefits of nature is that it builds strong relationships with both nature and others. Therefore, by spending time in nature, we can become stronger and healthier.

These are some of the benefits of being in communion with nature.

1. You will be happy and feel more connected to nature. You will breathe the fresh air that surrounds you and experience the tranquility inherent in nature.

2. You’ll get some exercise and finally get rid of all the distractions that distort your attention and fragment your mind.

3. You will spend time with your family and friends, something that digital media cannot give you. Face-to-face contact cannot be replaced and is necessary for us to feel happy and fulfilled.

4. You will feel free and more connected with nature. When you walk through the forest or just in a quiet park, you can feel all of nature around you: the birds in the trees and above you, the waves of water along the shoreline, the sun on your face and body, and any other sound in nature. By carefully listening to these sounds, you will feel one with nature. This feeling can help you feel healthier and not alone.

5. You will reduce social isolation. Digital media have reduced our time with other people and with nature. This form of isolation can be very detrimental to our general health and well-being.

Therefore, it is important to go for a walk at least once a day. However, be sure to still exercise and take a nature walk separately so you can slow down and really hear the sounds around you and feel the ground under your feet. This is the best way to walk.

If you are hiking with your spouse and family, try to encourage silence during part of your walk so that you can feel more connected to nature. But then have moments where you can talk to each other. There’s something special about talking with your spouse amidst a lush green canopy all around you with the water in the background.

So go for a walk and enjoy nature. The benefits are immense and you will also be healthier as a result.

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