Today. I saw something on Twitter that caught my attention. I must admit that I have become a real Twitter user over the years. I stopped reading newspapers, which is bad for the newspaper industry, but I like Twitter, I don’t participate in it much, but I like to read it. I also find that it is a great aggregator of all the news that is happening. Just don’t get too wrapped up in it.

However, there was a tweet that came through this morning. She was a beauty, and it was about Trump’s estranged niece in his new book, where she depicts a man trained in deception and bragging about a distant and dysfunctional father. I loved that word “brag”. It sounds Italian. I mean, it has an Italian ending, and if you really look at what it means according to the dictionary, bragging means boastful or arrogant behavior. That word always resonated with me.

My mother used to wear it. When I was a kid, I always remember him telling me. “Peter, pride comes before a fall.” To be honest with you. I think that stopped me a bit.

When I was young, I was too scared to lift my head and get knocked down because this pride was always going to come right before a fall, but I understood it, and a little later I understood what it was saying. It was “being aware of being arrogant.” There is nothing wrong with being proud. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements, but it was arrogance that you had to take into account. Of course, if you’ve been around long enough, you tend to see popular culture trends come and go and come back, back, with a slightly different twist.

It was not easy to accept my mother’s advice as I watched the great Cassius Clay growing up. When I was young and cheeky and arrogant and confident, I think at the time I thought, “Yes, he has pride, but a fall is coming.” And obviously once he became Muhammad Ali he really showed his conviction and he would not go to war, he was prepared to go to jail and he was prepared to lose his title and get it back. You realize that the man represented something. Maybe all that fake bravado about being the greatest was actually part of an act, while deep down, he was a really nice guy. So the greatest as he was called, and until his death, he was known as the greatest.

Let’s move on to the 1980s, and that was Gordon Gekko’s time and “greed is good.” At that point, I suppose you could say that in popular culture, the tilt wasn’t too far off. And in my mother’s eyes, Gordon Gecko would have been someone to whom she would have said “there is a brag”. And then this guy’s pride would definitely come before a fall and of course, as the movie says, that’s exactly what happened.

Then came the period when supermodel Naomi Campbell began exhibiting the most arrogant behavior, where she was convicted and nearly went to jail for throwing a phone at her personal assistant.

It was at this point that the world got tired of “bragging.” The world had had enough of being overly arrogant and to the point where you would be a celebrity if you started helping others. Mother Teresa and Princess Diana, for example, were celebrated throughout that period.

Being nice to people became the accepted norm. If you think about it, perhaps Princess Diana in particular had as much exposure and as many opportunities as any bragging before. But you could see that there was goodness in their hearts.

However, the year 2000 arrived and, suddenly, arrogance was back in fashion. The Kardashians and several others; greed was getting good, arrogance was getting good, being noticed was getting good, being extreme was getting good, being stubborn was getting good again, the list goes on and on. Trumpism, as we know, began to appear and extremism began to normalize.

Also in today’s Twitter feed, the same day the president’s niece said he was a braggart, there was Anthony Scaramucci, who once worked for the braggart, who said “from time to time, as your mom would tell you, or your grandmother told you, sometimes people get what they deserve. It’s nice to see that the negative karma that he generated in our society is coming back on him, “said Anthony Scaramucci about the arrest of Steve Bannon, who was the braggart in arms. . – co-pilot.

It is not interesting? Scaramucci had an Italian mother or an Italian grandmother, but they obviously told her that pride comes before a fall, like me.

Today’s Twitter feed also contained comments from Peter van Onselen, writing for NEWS CORP, saying: “Sometimes I seriously wonder if our prime minister thinks before he opens his mouth and makes pronouncements that he constantly has to back away from. It happens too often to just be a mistake. It’s pretty ridiculous, frankly. “

So you are questioning our prime minister, who this week could not help himself, stating that he had signed an agreement on a vaccine for all Australians. But of course, it wasn’t shortly after that holes began to appear with this story and the deal.

So maybe this blatant arrogance in politics is starting to catch up with people, and maybe the pendulum is starting to swing the other way.

What is even more evidence of the contempt that politicians have for the people, are Fridays, what is known as “the day to take out the garbage.” The whole idea of ​​breaking out the bad news, or pulling out when you have to correct something, or pulling out when you have to back down on something like Treasurer Josh Frydenberg had to back off on the job manager. allocation and its dodgy math, and righting a $ 60 million overestimate.

So you will bring it out on a Friday because the media is apparently lazy and won’t ask tough questions, and society is lazy, our community is lazy, and by Monday, we will have completely forgotten about it.

But did we forget about it?

Is bragging still alive on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays? I think the pendulum has swung. I think the pendulum is heading back at least towards the center line, possibly even to the left of center.

Suddenly, I am thinking that boastful and arrogant behavior may no longer be acceptable. Even in marketing, we must be aware of this trend. In marketing we have to know where people are and act accordingly.

So where does the word swagger come from? Well, it came from the fairy queen, which was written by a guy named Spencer. It is a long poem and it was about Knights in shining armor.

One of the gentlemen was named Braggadocio and it did not end very well.

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