Malasana, also known as Upavesasana or Garland Pose, is a very simple yet highly beneficial yogasana.

Here are some health benefits of Malasana.

This yogasana gives a great stretch to the face, hips, sacrum, and lower back.

It has a great effect on your metabolism; this improves the same.

It makes your digestive system healthy.

Malasana brings your belly into shapes.

This improves your body posture.

You notice great flexibility in knees and ankles.

However, this yogasana is not good for those with lower back or knee injuries.

If you don’t have any lower back or knee injuries, you should do this exercise.

How can you do this exercise?

Here are the steps:-

Begin this by squatting down. Keep your feet very close to each other and your heels should be on the ground.

Now, open your thighs more.

Now, letting the breath out, lean forward so that your torso fits into your thighs.

Now bring your palms together so that you are joining them to anjali and press your elbows into your inner thighs. This will increase the front of your torso.

Now press your inner thighs against the side of your torso. Then straighten your arms and rotate them so that your shins meet your armpits.

Now, hold your ankles, stay in the pose for 10 seconds, and then take a long breath in and let that breath out.

However, it would be better to get in touch with a professional yoga trainer who has been trained as a yoga teacher at a reputable yoga center, as they could give you the right instructions and tell you how you can get the most out of this asana.

Yoga is an ancient Indian art. Perhaps a yoga ashram or hermitage is the best place to become familiar with this practice. Surprisingly, you will find yoga training centers in different corners of the world. There are presence of august yoga trainers who are conscientious, confident and competent. In fact, these yoga trainers have the corresponding certification. Practicing yoga in a disciplined manner can bring you optimal health. When the mind and body are happy, relaxed and confident, the results are evident. Most of the rigid exercises do not have any spiritual aspect and therefore do not bring the element of mental serenity.

Learning yoga is not a game. It is an art that requires discipline. The trainer must have deep knowledge, confidence and deep understanding about the yogic philosophy. The yoga teacher training course is purposely designed to help the trainer and familiarize him with all the nuances. After becoming an expert in all forms of yoga, it is possible to start a personal yoga training center. Trained and certified yoga experts have bright career prospects. Therefore, if you intend to become a yoga trainer, it is recommended to go through a relevant yoga teacher training course. This would open new doors of opportunity.

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