Since I’m a writing coach and a freelance writer, people always ask me what it takes to get started as a freelancer. In addition to basic writing skills, here’s my list of the top ten essentials every writer needs to start a freelance career.

1. A Professional Resume – Your resume may not include much when you’re just starting out, you still need to have something to show potential clients, publishers, and editors that lists your education, writing experience, and publishing credits (if applicable) .

2. A professional biography: A biography is simpler than a summary. It should be written in the third person and provide a general description of your education and experience, the type of writing you do, and the services you offer.

3. Some writing samples: They don’t have to be posted clips. They can be unpublished samples of the different types of writing that you like to do. When responding to ads for freelance writing jobs, writing samples and a professional resume will often be required.

4. Three main writing or career goals for the year: I advise writers to stick to just three main goals for the year. So everything you do during the year should help you reach one or more of these three main goals. Working toward no more than three main goals really helps any writer avoid feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or unfocused.

5. A weekly marketing plan (action plan): Every Sunday night or Monday morning, it’s important to create a marketing plan and writing schedule for the upcoming work week. When you have a clear plan, all you have to do each week is “work on your plan.”

6. A method or means of accountability: Every writer needs to have someone or something that holds them accountable for maintaining their focus and working toward their top three goals throughout the year. A writing coach, a writing group, or even another friend who is also a writer can be used for this purpose.

7. A professional website or blog: Publishers and clients expect any serious freelance writer to have an online presence, which includes a website or blog with information about the writer, their education and experience, and the types of freelance services they offer. wording offered.

8. Business cards: they should be simple and inexpensive. Include your name, business name (if you create one for your freelance writing business), or a tagline that tells people you’re a writer, phone number, and email address. Do not include your home address. If you think a postal address is essential to your business, invest in a PO Box and include that address on your business card.

9. A Success Journal – This can be nothing more than a spiral notebook used to record daily or weekly progress. A success journal is one more way to help any freelance writer stay on track with a weekly marketing plan, weekly writing goals, and just three top goals for the year.

10. Total Commitment: It can be difficult to establish a career as a freelance writer because people who start freelancing typically do so when they still have a regular day job and/or dozens of other professional and personal responsibilities. Then, when things get too stressful, freelance writing is the first thing pushed to the side. Before any writer decides to start a freelance writing career, he must fully commit to making this career happen.

If your goal is to become a successful freelance writer, keep these ten essentials in mind right now and you’ll have a much easier time establishing your career.

Try it!

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