After many years of suffering from a variety of sinus ailments, especially pressure, and trying different treatments, I have come to the conclusion that the answer lies in a combination of healing systems working in cooperation with each other. When I tried this and with the help of my Maker I found the therapeutic answer I was looking for. This is a summary of the five steps I took:

food and drink

Some of the regular food I ate was exacerbating my sinus pressure problem. Particularly two of them. Despite the skepticism expressed by some in this area, some foods can negatively affect the sinuses. Almost everyone who has or suffers from sinus problems has told me essentially the same thing. It will be to your advantage to find out more about this topic. Medical literature and other publications increasingly link certain diseases and health problems with what we eat: for example: correlation between red meat and cancer; fish and the accumulation of heavy metals in the body, saturated fats and high cholesterol, etc.

Realignment of certain bones.

To function properly, the entire body needs a constant, full, and consistent flow of electrical energy generated by the brain. The “main power line” for this vital flow is the spinal cord. Therefore, we do not want anything to interfere with the latter. Unfortunately, many times some of the bones in our back may be misaligned and this condition could prevent the full flow of that vital energy to certain parts of the body. Obviously this condition must be corrected and until one does so, some organ or part of the body will not get the full flow of this much needed electrical energy from the brain. Hence the resulting malfunction of that area or organ. Sometimes a regular doctor does not know what may be causing a certain disease or health problem in a patient and therein lies the true cause of the problem. Obviously, it is therefore very important to have the bones that make up our back realigned whenever they need it. If one is really serious about health issues, including sinus pressure, one of the first things one might choose to do is check this item out. The professionals who are trained to do this are chiropractors. The actual adjustment takes 2-3 minutes, is painless, and is preceded by a series of x-rays.


This Eastern healing system is gaining acceptance in the United States for its simplicity, inexpensiveness, and above all, its effectiveness. I can almost relieve sinus pressure anytime I want and in a matter of minutes just by applying finger pressure for 4-5 minutes to the right spot on my neck. Anyone can do it once the precise acupressure points and a few other details are learned. Acupressure can help many other common ailments. For example, possible removal of yellow mucus by boosting the immune system.


One herb in particular deserves our special attention. It is very common because it is used a lot in the kitchen. His name is: Garlic. My GP once told me: the “most important [medicinal] herb is garlic.” From colds and viruses to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart problems, garlic is a versatile and inexpensive therapeutic powerhouse. Its main healing ingredient is allicin, which can now be purchased alone. Try garlic for a while and see the results for yourself. The German government has conducted scientific studies on garlic and the results fully agree with the aforementioned therapeutic properties of this humble bulb. If a virus or cold is caught early and treated with garlic or allicin for several days, they often prevent sinus pressure or yellow mucus that might have resulted from a virus or cold developing.


When the above items are followed faithfully and sinus pressure still persists, there is a good chance that environmental allergy is the root cause of the problem. Things like pollens from certain plants, house dust, smog, chemicals in the workplace and/or in the home. If after trying to determine which items you might be allergic to, or if you already suspect what the culprits might be, and you want to be sure and do something about it, ask your doctor about allergy testing. If you do indeed have severe allergies, probably nothing short of allergy shots, given regularly, will make a substantial difference then.


Sinus pressure, yellow mucus, and other sinus conditions can be prevented in many cases. By eating right, taking pressure off the spinal cord, doing acupressure to drain the sinuses and boost the immune system, and using botanicals to prevent and treat illnesses like colds and viral infections, we’d be setting in motion the cooperative combination of five natural healing systems that for many of us is the way to go, and it makes sense.

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