If someone has just gone through a breakup, they may find it difficult to focus on other areas of their life. Because of the pain they feel, everything else could take a back seat.

Perhaps they were with someone for a long time and they may even have had a strong connection with them. Therefore, now that the relationship has ended, it will be normal for them to feel pain.


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What they are going through can be very similar to what would happen if someone else had passed away. Your ex may not have passed away, but what you had to do together will no longer exist.

This shows that it doesn’t matter if someone else has passed away or just left one’s life; it is still going to be experienced as a loss. In both cases, your life will never be the same again.

A gradual process

However, as long as you allow yourself to cry and figure out how you feel, you should be able to get up once more. As the weeks and months go by, you may start to feel better.

What had faded into the background at first may end up coming back into your life. So the things they lost interest in soon may be things they enjoy doing again.

External support

Another thing that will be important to them will be making sure they have the right people around them during this time. They will be people who show you support and encouragement.

Along with this, do things with these people that give them a respite from what is happening. If one were their own island, they could rise again with the support of anyone else.

A distant memory

Soon there may come a time when they will remember what happened and it will be as if they are simply remembering something they saw on television. Then emotions will arise within them, but these emotions will not erase them.

When you get to this point, you may see that while this time in your life was difficult, it allowed you to grow. They may learn a number of different things, and they may even have ended up meeting someone who is more compatible.

The ideal

One way of looking at the above scenario would be to say that this is what someone would expect to happen if they went through a breakup. They may not want to experience pain when a relationship ends, but they definitely want to be able to get on with their life as time goes on.

However, this is not going to be what will happen to everyone. For some people, a breakup can result in them experiencing a lot of pain, and this pain may not subside over time.

Two extremes

Unlike the previous person, someone like this may experience a deep sense of loss, but this might not be as far as it will go. In addition to feeling sad and even hopeless, they could end up feeling suicidal.

Your inner world is going to be in complete disarray, and it might feel like your entire world has come to an end. Their reason for being alive will be gone, taking away their reason to get out of bed.

Down Right Down

From the outside, you will look like a complete human being, but inside, you will feel anything but complete. Like a small boat in the ocean, there will be nothing to stabilize your thoughts and feelings.

Before being in the relationship, they may have been generally okay, making it difficult for them to understand why they are in such a mess. That is, of course, if you are able to think clearly at this stage in your life.

One reason

What this may show is that they did not receive the kind of attention they needed as children to develop a strong core / sense of self. Instead, this would have been a time when they were careless.

So now that the attachment you formed has come to an end, you will have brought out all the pain that you experienced during this stage of your life. And since it is painful for them to experience this pain now, it will give them an understanding of how painful it must have been for them as children.

No foundations

Another way of looking at what happened would be to say that one will be like a house built on sound. If they had received the proper care, they would be a house with a solid foundation.

By having solid foundations, the emotional force within them would make it easier for them to handle what happened. That is why child neglect does so much damage, since it does not form the solid foundation that one needs to be able to manage life as an adult; you end up with layers and layers of trauma and even brain damage.


If you can relate to this and want to change your life, you may need to seek outside help. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

Working with someone like this can allow you to go where you wouldn’t go on your own. The presence that someone like this gives you will make it easier for you to cope with how you feel and work through your pain.

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