Do you want to quit smoking and kick the bad habit forever? George Bernard Shaw, the great English playwright, once jokingly remarked that quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. After all, he had quit several times in his life. Well, jokes aside, it should be your first priority if you have this bad habit.

And getting out of this urge to smoke is not as difficult as you think or people make it seem. Believe me, this is the hypnotist’s advice to quit smoking. Breaking a habit and replacing that old unwanted habit takes about 21 days and involves creating new healthy habits.

So the next time you feel the urge to inhale a cancer stick, try the following things. You’ll be able to quit smoking and break a habit in 3 flat weeks!

drink a glass of water

Instead of quitting, why not drink a glass of water or maybe fruit juice to curb the urge?

Breath deeply

Whenever you feel the urge, just close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. The urgency will fade.

send a text message

The next time you reach for the nicotine stick, redirect your hands to your cell phone and send a text message instead. It will distract your mind.

Sometimes distracting your mind with activities that take your mind off the urge to smoke can help break a habit. So the next time you want to swell, why not walk around the block, call a friend, floss your teeth, hug your spouse or light a candle, turn on the radio, ride your bike, cuddle your pet, Take a nap instead?

Chew sugar free gum

According to the smoking cessation hypnotist, the urge to smoke often stems from an oral fixation, the need to feel something or taste an object with the mouth or lips, similar to the desire felt by a baby who is continually sucking on his or her mouth. finger. or artificial toy teats or the mother’s nipples.

If you can replace the cancer bar with something harmless or even beneficial, then you’ll be indulging your need for oral fixation without experiencing the consequences of ingesting nicotine. You can chew sugar-free gum, or better yet, you can chew mint sticks, mint leaves, or cloves.

Sugar-free gum is available in a variety of flavors and shaped like cigarettes. Not a bad idea to munch on these instead, right?

Listen to a hypnosis CD

This is a hypnotist’s recommendation to quit smoking because studies have shown that hypnosis methods can make you quit smoking for good.

Chew a toothpick

And last but not least; you can afford to chew on a toothpick to kick the smoking habit.

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